Chapter 216: Clues

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The grandfather and granddaughter chatted for a while. It had been a long time since the two of them chatted idly like this.

Shen Yue was chatting quite happily as he brought up some memorable recollections from Xi Xiaye's childhood. Xi Xiaye would only smile as she listened. Finally, when he was so tired that he could not keep his eyes open, she coaxed him to sleep.

Shen Yue had finally given the green light, causing Xi Xiaye to feel over the moon. She took her phone out from her pocket to send a message to her father, Xi Mushan.

Father, determination is a wonderful thing. As long as you don't give up, there's still hope! Grandpa just told me that he hopes that you and Mother will do well together. Seeing his relieved smile, I feel content too.


When she received Xi Xiaye's call, Caitlin was obviously a little surprised, especially when she had asked her to bring her manager, Sis Lee, along. However, she still met her on time because to her, Xi Xiaye was not just her superior, but she was also a patron who had recognized her worth.

The meeting venue was the same as the previous time. It was in that secluded corner at the sane alfresco coffee shop.

When Caitlin and her manager, Sis Li, reached, Xi Xiaye had already been waiting for quite a while.

"Missus Mu..."

Caitlin wore a refreshing and leisurely summer dress. When she faced with Xi Xiaye in a light muslin dress and sunglasses, she did not know how to address her.

Xi Xiaye took her sunglasses off and casually smiled at the two people across her. Then, she pointed at the empty seats. "Have a seat. Skip the courtesy. Just call me Xiaye. I think we don't have to be too courteous either, Sis Lin."

Xi Xiaye took the lead and changed the way she addressed her first. Her generous and casual personality made Caitlin and Sis Li find her very friendly.

"Thank you for the honor, Xiaye," responded Caitlin with a smile.

"Director Xi, you're the humblest and most sincere Missus from a prestigious family that I've ever met. You aren't as arrogant as what the others say," Sis Li could not help but voice out.

"Arrogant? A Missus from a prestigious family?"

Xi Xiaye naturally did know what everyone was thinking of her right now since she rarely paid attention to such news.

With a nod, Sis Lee smiled. "Yes, Caitlin has always praised you highly. I'm quite excited to meet you too. I..."

Xi Xiaye chuckled softly, "I'm just like everyone else. I know that you've come over during your break on set, so I don't plan on delaying you either, I'll be frank then."

Caitlin and Sis Li exchanged a glance before the Caitlin smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Xi Xiaye nodded. "Okay, Sis Li, I heard that you learned from the famous manager, Sis Lan, for a while. I wonder if this is true."

When Xi Xiaye said this, Sis Li already know what Xi Xiaye had come for because a while ago, Mu Lingshi had gone looking for her too. She only found out about Mu Lingshi's identity after that, so she knew what to expect. However, she did not know why they were trying to find out about Sis Lan who had already retired for many years now.

"Director Xi, are you looking for Sis Lan too? I did previously learn from her, but why are you looking for her?" Sis Lee asked puzzled.

Xi Xiaye took a simple sip of coffee and said softly, "I want to ask her about some private matters. I wonder where I can find her."

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