Chapter 232: Turn Up Uninvited

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When she returned from Su Nan's place, it was already close to evening. Xi Xiaye wanted to ask Su Nan out for dinner, but Ruan Heng got home late from work. Since it was not that convenient, she decided against it after some thought.

When the car was near the Grand Waves Villa, Xi Xiaye made Ji Zitong stop the car.

"You can go back first. I want to buy some things from the supermarket. Later, I'll walk home. I'll just treat it like a relaxing stroll."

Xi Xiaye had been doing this frequently recently. It was a way for her to work out. Once she reached the entrance of the Grand Waves Villa area, she would get down from the car and walk home. If Mu Yuchen was around, he would walk home with her too.

"Okay, Director Xi, I'll leave first then," answered Ji Zitong after she looked ahead and saw that it was Grand Waves Villa area.

Xi Xiaye nodded gently. "Okay, bye." She got down from the car and walked to the supermarket in front.

Mu Yuchen had called earlier to say that he would be leaving work slightly earlier today. Since she was quite free, she thought about cooking dinner as a reward for him for taking such good care of her.

This supermarket was the neighborhood anchor grocery stop. At this time, there were quite a lot of people doing their groceries.

Xi Xiaye pushed a trolley and soon loaded many things into it. She was quite satisfied with her haul. Su Nan had reminded her that if she felt like vomiting, she could eat something sour or have some grain biscuits, so Xi Xiaye decided to get both.

Mainly, she wanted to get a huge pile of books, some prenatal education discs or books, and some collections of poem and prose.

The doctor said that at about four months, she could begin prenatal education. As a mother for the first time, she naturally did not know about these things. Earlier, she chatted with Su Nan for quite a while to share references.

Standing at the tall shelf, Xi Xiaye set aside her trolley that was filled with things and concentrated on the shelf full of books before her. She wanted to look for a few more character-building poems and prose collections so that Mu Yuchen read them to the little one in her.

After looking for quite a while, she finally found a modern poetry collection. She casually browsed through it.

" Sliding across the vast sky and downhill, I am the dimmed shooting star, riding the cool breeze of the night rain, rushing on this journey of a gamble. A life that throws the dice is like a raindrop, stirring up a night of dense fog atop this lake... "

A clear and alluring voice was gently heard, sounding quite familiar. Qi Lei subconsciously turned to look towards the voice, and Xi Xiaye's elegant figure greeted his sight!

An unexpected current of thrill traveled through his veins at this sight!

He actually bumped into her here! It had been a while since they met.

Ever since the scandal and after Mu Yuchen hosted that dinner, he had not seen Xi Xiaye, but now that he had bumped into her, she seemed to have become even thinner than before. Mu Yuchen was terrible! How could he be so bad at fattening his own woman up? Could the fellow have asked his woman to watch her figure, and pursue the overrated skinny kind of beauty?

Master Qi meanly despised Mu Yuchen on the inside for a while.

Mu Yuchen was not as considerate as he was. He did not have his gift of the gab, he was not as confident and amusing as he was, and he definitely did not have his gentleness and understanding. Why did Xi Xiaye not like him? Even if she was Mu Yuchen's wife now, at least when she saw him, could she not consider him? At least, her eyes should light up a little, and then fill with admiration as she looked at him!

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