Chapter 300: The Stronger The Light, The Darker The Shadow

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ji Zitong never expected to see him again. She had not seen him since then, and now they were reunited after several months.

"When can you return me my letter, Chief Su?" Ji Zitong's face turned stiff as Li Si left.

Su Chen gave her an amused glance. "Didn't expect you to be doing this."

"It's none of your business." Ji Zitong stared at him. "You said you'd give it back when you return."

"I remember saying that we'll see when I get back. Do I look like the kind of person who'd go back on my word?"

Su Chen's sharp gaze made Ji Zitong gasp and she closed her eyes. "Who knows what you'll do? We don't have a good impression of each other anyway."

"So, do you mean I don't have to return the letter to you anymore?" Su Chen laughed as he pulled his coat tighter around himself and was about to leave!

"Stop right there!" Ji Zitong was enraged as she quickly grabbed Su Chen's shoulder. "Give it back to me, you bastard!"

Su Chen was very alert, so he reacted in time when Ji Zitong tried to grab him. His iron grip stopped her hand accurately as he closed in.

She was dumbfounded as she smelled his wild scent. Pain blossomed in her head when she bumped into his solid chest.

Su Chen was surprised when the woman fell into his arms. He backed off before he could embrace the gentleness, but his first reaction was-

This woman was strong!

He leaned against his car as he looked down to notice that the woman in his arms was stunned. Two of them frowned and pushed each other away moments later.

Not only did they not separate, but they were also clumped even closer together. Ji Zitong was wearing a woven sweatshirt, and it somehow got hooked onto Master Su's zipper. After struggling for a while, there was a loud rip!

Ji Zitong looked down.


Red color!

Fiery red!

She put on a teasing grin and smirked at Su Chen. "Chief Su, I didn't expect you to be quite sexy, but I think you deserve to be called a pervert right now!"

Su Chen's expression darkened as he looked downwards. He quickly grabbed his trousers and his eyes were turning into a thunderstorm. Just as he was about to erupt in madness, Su Yu's voice reached him from behind.

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing? Who is this girl? Is this the girl who was mentioned to grandfather the other day?"

Before Su Chen could react, he quickly fixed his outfit and looked at Ji Zitong's mocking grin. He swore that this was the most embarrassing moment in his life! His face was strained as he stared at Ji Zitong. However, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Su Yu walked to Su Chen and was looking at Ji Zitong, seeming interested.

"Xiao Chen?" Su Yu called out to him again as he did not reply.

"That's her indeed! We recently got into a fight. Haven't you guys always wondered why I don't like anyone else? I'm interested in her. If you can convince her to marry me, maybe the elders at home will get a grandchild or two in a few years," Su Chen whispered to Su Yu as his eyes were filled with deception. Then, he gave Ji Zitong a slight bow.

Game on!

He then ignored Su Yu's dumbfounded expression and went back into the car.

Su Yu came back to her senses when she heard the sound of the car engine. She did not have time to talk to Ji Zitong. Instead, she bowed to her as well. "Hello! I'm Su Yu, Su Chen's sister. Nice to meet you. We'll meet again!"

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