Chapter 220: Ambush

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It took a while for her to calm down. When she came back to her senses, she kept the letter as the man's voice reached her.

"Who wrote to you?"

Xi Xiaye tore the letter into pieces and tossed the pieces into the bin. As she turned around and saw his concerned expression, she replied quietly, "I asked someone to investigate Qi Kai, and there's probably some information. I'll talk to you about this again tonight."

She walked over while Mu Yuchen nodded. Then, they sat down and had their meal.

Both Su Chen and Mu Yuchen left after lunch. Su Chen had something to pass to the latter. Xi Xiaye stayed at home since she was still sleepy after taking the medicine, so she went back to sleep. However, her phone started ringing when she was sound asleep. After a while, Xi Xiaye woke up and grabbed her phone, pressing the button with her eyes wincing from the bright screen.


"Director Xi, it's me, Xiao Yu!"

An urgent tone of voice came over from the other side. Before Xi Xiaye could reply, Xiao Yu went on, "Director Xi, something bad has happened! Someone's making a fuss here, and Manager Chen is injured."

The one on the phone was Mu Lingshi's assistant, Xiao Yu!

Xi Xiaye sat up suddenly. Her movements were so sudden that it caused her a headache which only went away after a while. "What did you say? Who's making a fuss? How's the manager?"

"Manager Chen is injured badly. Things are getting out of hand here. They have quite a solid background and they've cornered Manager Chen. I can't reach Manager Mu and Manager Wang is on leave, so..."

"Don't panic. Send your manager to the hospital. I'll head over now."

Xi Xiaye got out of bed and quickly changed before she grabbed the car keys and left swiftly.

She only realized that the sky had turned dark and the street lamps were lit up when she got out. The gentle sunset rays covered the horizon, creating a magnificent pairing with the colorful lights on the streets.

However, Xi Xiaye was not in the mood to enjoy the sights. It took her around half an hour to reach the club.

Xiao Yu came up to her as she arrived.

"What's the situation? Give me the details!" Xi Xiaye walked inside as she spoke.

"Director Xi, the customer is being terribly demanding. They booked a room, and then suddenly wanted to change to the one beside them, but that room was already booked by someone else. Our waiters negotiated with them, and not only were they rude, but they also slapped the waitress and even gave her a hard time. Manager Chen was patrolling and saw what happened. They had an argument and the person pushed Manager Chen, so he fell on the corner of a table and sustained a bad injury on the arm," Xiao Yu replied.

"Who are they? Where are the security guards in the club? Aren't they doing anything?" Xi Xiaye frowned.

"Manager Chen said not to make a big fuss out of it and try to resolve this calmly, but they were really difficult. They injured some of our people! Manager Chen is really angry," Xiao Yu said quietly.

Xi Xiaye's brows stayed knotted as she sped up.

She was surprised when she arrived at the room. The perpetrators were Huang Shanshan, Wang Ziluo, Sun Mei and the others. However, what surprised Xi Xiaye even more was that Han Yifeng was there as well!

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