Chapter 226: Master Mu's Rage

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The car zipped past swiftly on the quiet road. Soon, Ji Zitong gradually slowed down and then parked the car outside a house according to the address given.

The other cars from the back caught up when the car came to a halt.

Ji Zitong turned back to announce, "Chairman Mu, Director Xi, we've arrived!"

Xi Xiaye closed the magazine she was reading and glanced at the man beside her. He was still working on his laptop and did not seem to be wrapping up anytime soon.

As Xi Xiaye was about to say something, he told her, "Sis Lan doesn't like too many unfamiliar faces. I'll just wait for you outside. Go in with Zitong. If anything happens, just yell and we'll be able to hear from outside."

He then glimpsed toward the decrepit house.

Xi Xiaye nodded quietly.

Mu Yuchen opened the door for her and reminded her, "Leave if it's not working. It's not entirely impossible without her."

Mu Tangchuan and Zhuang Shurong had looked for Sis Lan as well, but she was not very friendly and was, in fact, pretty cold towards them. In their case, she did not want to reveal much.

"It's okay, I've got this."

She gave him an assuring look before getting out of the car.

It looked like a pretty old house. The front gate was rusty, and the pair of couplet had already lost its original color a long time ago. Vines grew on the walls and covered it in a green pallor, but the front yard was quite clean. Xi Xiaye walked over and heard someone talking inside. Suddenly, someone came over with a bucket of paint and started painting the rusty gate.

"Let's go."

Xi Xiaye was relieved to see someone.

She's home!

She then went inside.

When she asked, the painter informed her that Sis Lan was in the house, so Xi Xiaye and Ji Zitong went in.

It was not a big house as it was just a two-story building.

Ji Zitong rang the doorbell as they arrived at the door. A middle-aged lady opened the door, appearing to be a servant or caretaker. She shot them a doubtful glance before asking them in heavy rural slang, "Hello, you two fellas are...?"

As Ji Zitong was about to reply, Xi Xiaye went up and introduced herself. "Hello. We're looking for Sis Lan. Sis Li must have informed her about it beforehand."

The lady allowed them in after Xi Xiaye's explanation.

"Sis Lan is waiting in the study room. Please follow me!"

At the door into the study room, Ji Zitong stayed outside while Xi Xiaye went in alone.

Xi Xiaye was finally meeting the legendary Sis Lan.

She wore a light-colored qipao with her hair twisted into a bun. With her skinny frame and sharp chin, she was a beauty in her own league. However, her face seemed to take on the paleness an ill person would have.

She was watering her plants when Xi Xiaye entered the room. When she heard footsteps, she looked up with sharp eyes. Even though she tried to hide her expression, Xi Xiaye captured it all.

She glanced over at her cautiously. Xi Xiaye just kept quiet and just let her study her.

"It's my honor to meet you, Sis Lan. I'm Xi Xiaye." She greeted humbly.

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