Chapter 260: Baby Boy or Baby Girl?

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When he saw Qi Lei's figure, Ah Mo's expression shifted. Vigilance flashed in Ji Zitong's eyes as she looked at Ah Mo.

The two of them exchanged a look, and then their eyes were fixed on Qi Lei who walked over in huge strides.

Qi Lei did not seem to notice their gazes. He stopped casually beside Xi Xiaye.

"I thought that the person handling her funeral would be Xi Xinyi, but it turned out to be you."

Qi Lei set the flowers down before Deng Wenwen's tombstone. He straightened up as he spoke with a smile curved on his lips, "I heard that the Han family has been busy organizing a banquet recently. With this unexpected development, they have to pick a new date."

Xi Xiaye did not respond and just laughed mockingly.

"She's plotted and struggled all her life, but this is how it ends. It's quite a tragic way to end her life. Nonetheless, I do have to thank her. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have known you. If I agreed to her request then, how do you think things would turn out now?" Qi Lei spoke plainly. His expression did not change and his tone was devoid of any emotion.

"I wouldn't know what would happen either, but I do know that I'm not a fool who'll be manipulated."

At this moment, Xi Xiaye sighed to herself too. If it were not for her, she would not have gotten married to Mu Yuchen. Whatever it was, this was all just fate and chance.

After that, she added, "Thank you for coming."

Qi Lei smiled as he shrugged. "How rare of you to thank me."

He thought about it. The scene of his conversation with Mu Yuchen on the rooftop flashed in his mind again. The curve on his lips widened and he looked amusedly at her elegant face. His gaze made Xi Xiaye frown slightly.

"Did you tell Mu Yuchen that I was a good person?"

His mocking voice was teasing. When he looked around and did not see Mu Yuchen, he asked curiously, "Where's he? Didn't he come with you?"

Xi Xiaye glanced at him indifferently. "If you were a good person, then there would be no bad people on this Earth!"

Qi lei laughed out loud before he replied nonchalantly, "You're a woman who doesn't say what she thinks! Even Mu Yuchen gave me a positive assessment!"

Xi Xiaye rolled her eyes at him. She took the flowers against her chest, and then put it on the tombstone. Just as she was about to turn and leave, Qi Lei reached out to stop her. When Ji Zitong saw his attempt, she immediately went up and blocked him.

"Okay, okay, is it that bad telling the truth?" Qi Lei took a step back and said helplessly, "The 15th of next month is my mother's 55th birthday. The Qi family will be organizing a banquet. I hope that you two can come over and support them. You will help me with this, won't you?"

The internal state of Qi Kai Corporation was in turmoil. The sly fox Qi Qiming had done many things secretly whenever Wang Qin relaxed these past few years, so many people were now on his side, while the strength on Wang Qin's side had weakened quite a bit. Since he had decided to fight for certain things, now would be the time to take action.

Glory World and Qi Kai were in a partnership. In fact, Qi Lei was in charge of this project. On the surface, they looked like partners, but Mu Yuchen's tricks ran deeper. He would not take it easy on the surface. Nevertheless, in the dark, if that was so, why would he not just give Mu Yuchen some face? After all, Mu Yuchen himself had acknowledged that they could be collaborators!

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