Chapter 278: Scheming

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Nan did not even know how she made it to Hospital T. When she saw Mu Lingshi covered in blood while waiting outside the operating theatre, she felt so suffocated that she almost fainted.

"Su Nan!"

When she saw Su Nan go limp, Mu Lingshi quickly helped to hold her up and held her to sit on a chair on the side. Upon seeing her being covered in the coppery stench of blood, Su Nan felt her stomach turn.

Su Nan's eyes started to turn red as she held back the tears that welled up in her eyes. She gripped Mu Lingshi's arms tightly and asked anxiously, "How... How's Ruan Heng? How is he now?"

Mu Lingshi's expression was solemn. She turned to look at the doors to the operating theatre that were tightly shut. After a while, she turned to console her, "Don't worry first. He'll be fine. We have to trust the doctors. He'll be fine, so don't worry."

Actually, Mu Lingshi was quite afraid and could not hide the slight tremble in her voice. Earlier, Ruan Heng was covered in blood when he was sent there, and even her hands were stained crimson. She almost fainted from that strong stench as the nightmare from five years ago roared into her mind. A similar scene was clearly creeping into her mind again.

The car accident had happened not too far away from the Imperial Sky Entertainment Club. Before that, Ruan Heng had called her to send the CD to the door, but unexpectedly...

When Xi Xiaye received this news, she was in a discussion on closing a deal with a partner company with Ah Mo.

Inside the luxurious private room, the food and drinks were ordered. When Xi Xiaye was about to make a toast to the other party with water in place of alcohol, Ah Mo walked over with a solemn expression and whispered into her ear, and she immediately turned pale.

Without a care, she picked her handbag up and left the room.

The Phaeton rushed all the way and when she reached Hospital T, it was already an hour later.

The light of the operating theatre was still switched on. From afar, she could see Su Nan with her hands in her face as she bent over and her frail shoulders trembled slightly. Mu Lingshi had already taken her coat off and put it over her shoulders.

Su Nan came out in a rush, wearing only a wool sweater and seeming rather weak. Xi Xiaye felt her heart ache at this sight as she quickly walked over.


When she heard Xi Xiaye's voice come from in front of her, Su Nan looked up. The tears that had been pooling in her reddened eyes for a long time immediately fell in worry and fear at the sight of Xi Xiaye. Soon, the floor was wet with tears.

Heartbroken, Xi Xiaye quickly went up and hugged Su Nan around her shoulders.

"Xiaye... I'm so afraid. I'm really afraid... Even Lingshi was covered in blood. Ruan Heng... Will he be okay? Will he? Our daughter is still so young. If something happens to him, what do I do? What do I do..."

"It's fine, it'll be fine, Nannan...Heaven helps the good people like Ruan Heng, he will be matter what, I will be right by your side..."

Xi Xiaye took a deep breath and pushed back the hot tears that welled up in her eyes as she hugged Su Nan's cold body tightly. She only knew right now that no matter how strong she usually was, at such a time, she would be weak too.

When she heard Xi Xiaye, Su Nan cried out instead, "Xiaye... Xiaye..."

Su Nan clutched Xi Xiaye's arms tightly as she shifted closer. It felt like she was holding onto the last straw as if her world was ending.

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