Chapter 231: Clean And Pure Mr. Mu?

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was not a grand dinner out of concern for Xi Xiaye. Her meals were prioritized to be healthy, so of course, dishes like honey steak would not be making its appearance for a while.

Xi Xiaye overreacted a little. In Mu Yuchen's words, she was in a delicate phase right now. The dishes were served on the table and he prepared a bowl of soup for her. However, she frowned when she saw the dishes.

"Why are we eating the same thing again?"

He handed her a spoon. "These are healthy meals that you'll have to eat for a while. I'll cook your favorite food again after two months, alright? Be good now and drink up."

"I'm not that weak, alright? I'm tired of drinking all these tonics every day."

Grouchily, Xi Xiaye felt that her body was holding up fine. After all, she traveled frequently for work back then, and he would occasionally drag her out for horse-riding. All the while, she felt fine.

"You still have to take it even if you're tired of it. Besides, it's just a few months, but you're already starting to get irritated about this and you still want to have two kids?"

Mu Yuchen noticed that she was not putting on weight. When they went for a checkup, her weight had gone down instead, and she seemed even skinnier than before. It was probably due to the recent stressful incidents.

He was practically working on the South River project alone. Aside from arranging some documents in the office to help her kill time, he was giving her much more time to rest.

Of course, he did not want her to go back to the Mu Residence or stay at the Maple Residence alone, so they went to work together. Truth be told, he could only feel assured when she was within his line of sight.

Xi Xiaye still did not feel like drinking it, but his provoking worked as she picked up the spoon quietly and started drinking.

She was suddenly reminded of the project. "How's the South River project going? I visited the south of the city with Grandpa a few days ago. We passed by the South River Bridge and went to take a look. They were constructing the foundation, so I'm sure it'll progress quickly soon."

"Vice President Zhang will follow up on it. You just have to keep an eye on the market research data. The progress is still within the satisfactory threshold. Don't just keep thinking about work. How are you feeling today?"

He did not like to talk about work in front of her. Firstly, he did not want her to worry. Secondly, they should be enjoying their time together right now, and he did not want work to come between them.

Xi Xiaye swiftly finished the soup. As she cleaned her mouth with a tissue, he poured her another bowl again. Her face twisted from the bitter taste and she looked at him with a pair of pitiful doe eyes. Nonetheless, he acted as if he did not see her and handed her the spoon again. The determination in his eyes left no room for negotiation.

She glared at him for a moment but he did not soften up at all, so she grabbed the spoon again and picked up the chopsticks.

However, things did not go as smoothly this time. Just as she was about to start eating, she felt an urge to vomit. Unfortunately, she could not make it into the washroom quickly enough. To her horror, the stuff that just entered her stomach gushed back upward. She turned her head back as she grabbed onto the man beside her, and then...

She barfed into his hands.

Xi Xiaye was stunned when his pair of big hands became her vomit dump, but she was feeling too terrible to give it much thought.

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