42 | Déjà vu

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"i don't understand what you want from me." you struggled against the rope that tied your hands together on the pole. "you're crazy if you think im gonna tell you anything or help."

"it's okay. you being here is helpful enough. Oikawa isn't gonna let his little human get kidnapped by some witches." Mia explained while getting a jar of something. it looked like salt?

"how could you Mia. i thought we were friends." you scoffed.

"we could've been." she turned to you. "but i can't be with someone who thinks vampires aren't dangerous. talking to him is dangerous enough—sleeping," she laughed, "i wonder all the things he's put into your head."

"he's not and he doesn't. you guys make him out to be a dangerous person but you don't even know him." you defended.

Mia and Aurora laughed. "honey, have you ever looked into his past? or the news lately?" Aurora asked you. you gave her a confused look because truly, you didn't and didn't care for it. "he's dangerous (y/n). he's left countless of body's trails just from these past few days."

"you should show her." Mia said to her sister. Aurora gave her a bit of a confused look. "she'll only feel a pinch as long as you don't give her too much of a memory lane."

"you do it." Aurora turned around and continued doing what she was doing. "don't push her too much. we're not allowed to hurt them."

Mia smiled and walked up to you. "let me show you who he really is." she walked behind you and then put her fingers on your temples. she started muttering something and all of the sudden your eyes closed.

you started seeing white flashes and then all of the sudden you were seeing the woods. you saw oikawa and a blonde chick. she looked like she was a bit older than your age. you started to groan because all of the sudden the scene changed, white flashes and you saw oikawa and the blonde chick making out.

another scene change and now you were seeing both of them feeding on a person. you groaned again and the scene flashed, changing to another one of a room filled with bodies but this time it's just oikawa in the room.

Mia finally moved her hands from you and you look out a loud groan again. "i'm sorry if that was painful. but, i hope you can see who he really is (y/n). he's not a good person. any vampire isn't."

"his sisters. Aurora," you looked at her. "you work for his sister. she's nothing like that, she's a good person. if they're all so bad then why are you working for her?"

"keep your friends close and your enemies closer, (y/n). you know the phrase." she replied.

"but still—" as you were saying something, there was a loud noise coming from far right and upstairs.

Aurora gave Mia a gestured look and she nodded. Mia headed towards the stairs and Aurora looked at you. "looks like your boyfriend is here. it's time." she turned around to the table and started muttering something. latin?


"don't kill them, just knock them out. put the tranquilizer to good use, that's why we have it." Azumi yelled. "team 1, east hallway. team 2, north hallway. team 3, west hallway. team 4, you're coming with us south hallway. don't get too close to them or try to bite them, they have vervain."

Azumi and her sister, along with a bunch of others started going down the hallway. as they passed by people, the men she brought shot anybody that got in there with the tranquilizer guns. "where's Oikawa, Suna and Bokuto?"

"fuck, they might've gone ahead." Hiromi cursed. "let's hurry up." Azumi nodded.

finally getting to a end of a hallway, they saw Oikawa, Bokuto, Suna and Mia. "aren't you Aurora's sister." Hiromi questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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