Chapter 2

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You went back to the lake every morning for the next couple of days, hoping to see the strange alien boy once again. However, every time you were disappointed by the empty lake and still waters you had always known. Day after day passed by filled with disappointment and after a while, you began to fear that you had made up the whole ordeal.

The lake slowly turned back into a peaceful place for you, instead of the exciting place where you met a member of alien royalty that wanted to kill angels and commit genocide for some strange reason.

It was a week after the day you met that you saw him again. This time, there was no bright light that warranted the boys arrival. He was just sitting there in your spot, using a purple rag to clean the lake water off his gun. As soon as you walked into view he gave you a wide grin. "Oh, hey! You're back. I wwas wwonderin when you wwere gonna showw up again. I'vve been comin here evvery day for a wwhile noww and I didn't see you once!"

You just stared on in shock. He wasn't real. He was just some figure of your imagination or something. You tried to tell yourself, but that didn't change the fact that he was here. Eridan raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You alright there, Y/N?" He asked in concern.

"Uh...yeah, I'm fine." You replied, still in shock.

He shrugged in response and went back to polishing his weapon. "Alright, wwhatevver you say."

Suddenly, you realized something. "Hey, wait a minute! I came here every day too! How come we didn't see each other!?"

"Oh..." He looked up from his work and thought about it for a few moments. "Wwell I guess wwe nevver did set up a time to meet... I suppose that wwoulda been a smart thing ta do."

You face palmed and wondered why you had been so stupid. Of course you needed a set time. That explained everything. "Well...I guess noon is a good time? Not too early and not too late."

Eridan nodded. "Alright, sounds good. Honestly any time durin the day is too early for me. Trolls are nocturnal. Luckily the human sun isn't as bright as Alternia's though so I should be fine."

"Oh...That'" You replied, not sure what else to say. This was an alien from another world. So many people had never had the chance to communicate with a creature from space and now you were kind of blowing it. "So...what's it like where you live?" You decided to ask.

The boy looked at you in surprise before putting his gun down and resting his hands across his lap. You noticed he wore a lot of rings, mostly with violet designs on them. " I said wwe're nocturnal.... Um...there are zombies during the day too? I don't knoww if Earth has that but it's a fuckin pain in the ass on top a the burnin' sun." Eridan was silent for a little while longer as he thought to himself. His eyes suddenly lit up as he remembered another detail about his home planet, different than yours. "Oh yeah! You humans don't havve lusii right?"

You had no idea what that was so you just nodded. "Wwell, wwe're raised by these sorta monster things." He began to explain. "They look like your human animals basically. Except bigger and wwhite. My custodian wwas a skyhorse wwhich is similar to your human seahorses except they fly, and a...friend a mine...she wwas raised by this giant sea monster named Gl'bgolyb. That fuckin' monster could completely demolish all trolls if it raised it's voice higher than a wwhisper, so in order to keep it satisfied wwe had to feed it other lusii. Honestly, I wwouldn't mind lettin it kill all those filthy pissbloods...but it wwoulda made Fef upset..." He sighed, getting a sad look in his eyes. You awkwardly patted his shoulder, not really knowing how else to comfort him and he smiled at you.

"Wwell, enough about me, wwhy don't you tell me about you and your planet, Y/N?" The purpleblood asked.

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh...uh...well we don't have any of that stuff. We're raised by other humans and it's pretty...peaceful I suppose. I mean, not in the recent few years. Lots of uh...threats of nuclear war and hateful bigotry. Plus our president's an asshole. And sometimes there are wars between us and other people for stupid things like religion or skin color or oil or something." You grimaced. "Yeah, okay, America isn't peaceful at all." Eridan chuckled at your statement as you continued with your explanation. "Other than dealing with that, most people go to work or school. We aren't raised by monsters, but sometimes we keep animals as pets? Other than that...not much actually goes on here. It's pretty boring. Unlike zombies and giant monsters and flying seahorses." You responded. "But why don't you tell me more about you. What do you like to do?"

"Wwell..." Eridan continued, and you eagerly listened as he talked. After he was done, you talked again and, after time, the conversations began getting more personal. You shared your fears and the loneliness you've felt lately due to your lack of true friends, and he revealed that he actually felt the same way. He talked about his friend Feferi and how he had actually had a crush on her, but when he revealed his feelings, she didn't feel the same. You had never really loved anyone, but you gave him a bit of advice and it seemed to help. The two of you talked for what seemed like both forever and no time at all, and when he finally decided it was time to head back, you were surprised to find that the sun was setting. He left and you made your way back home, thinking about him the whole time.

It wasn't until you opened the door to your house, his yellow eyes and soft smile still stuck in your head, that you felt a deep sense of dread. Oh no... I think I'm in love.

Ripples on the Waters of Love (Eridan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now