Chapter 12

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It all happened so fast. The duel went as expected, it didn't take much power to knock that weakling unconscious against that wall. Eridan had smiled at the impact, looking at the crater he had made in the stone and the splatters of yellow surrounding the body with a sick sort of satisfaction. He turned around, ready to leave, when she came out of nowhere. Oh god, it was all too fast. He barely even had time to see the trident in her hands and the murder in her eyes when his arm outstretched and a bright beam of light shot through her. There was pink. There was pink everywhere and her eyes were blank, dead and he was shaking. He killed her. He killed her. Eridan stepped back from her corpse, his eyes wide. This wasn't what he wanted. But he wasn't thinking. He wasn't thinking and when he saw movement behind him, he turned around and shot once again, twice again, and now there was jade too joining the splatters against the floor and walls in a horrible painting. He walked to the transportalizer, his mind and face blank, and there was a flash of light. Suddenly, he was in the lab and everything hit him at once.

Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god. He had killed them and now he was crying. There was purple staining his cheeks, another color to add to the yellow and pink and green splattered on his clothes, and he didn't know what to do. What would Y/N think? She would be terrified of him, he knew it, and it only added more to the crushing despair and horror that he felt. He was against the wall now, in the corner, and he couldn't breathe. It was all his fault. What was he thinking? What had he done? He didn't know what to do now. So he sat there, curled up into himself, and sobbed until there were no more tears to cry.

After a while, (How long had it been? An hour? More? Less?) he got up, standing on shaky legs and looking around the room. He would have to continue as he had been. If he was careful, he could sneak off of the meteor without anyone noticing. Then he could join Jack. Just like he wanted to. The idea didn't seem as appealing now. All he wanted to do was go back to Y/N and cry into her arms. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to see her smile and hear her laugh and see her shining eyes and tell her how wrong he was and all the mistakes he had made, he wanted someone to help him. But it didn't matter what he wanted. He was alone.

Pulling out his shades with unsteady hands, he took off his glasses and put them on, pulling up Trollian and opening the chat with Y/N. What was he going to say? How could he explain what he had done when he couldn't even make sense of it himself? He ignored these thoughts and just began talking, his voice still hoarse from his sobs, and it took everything in him not to break down again.

CA: oh god

CA: Y/N i fucked up bad

CA:  i wasnt thinking and i

CA: i

CA: fuck i cant evven say it

CA: i just

CA: i wwant you to know that i lovve you

CA: i lovve you

CA: i really do

CA: anywways

CA: bye i guess

CA: please dont be too sad over me

CA: im not a good person and i dont deservve any tears

CA: you though

CA: youre fuckin amazin and dont let anyone tell you otherwwise

CA: wwe both kneww this wwouldnt last too long

CA: but it wwas nice wwhile it lasted

CA: youre the only person that really gavve a damn about me

CA: so thank you i guess

CA: i really do lovve you

CA: i just wwanted you to knoww that since you probably wwont be hearin from me ever again

CA: goodbye

CA: <3

Eridan took off the glasses, his eyes once again wet with tears. He placed them on a random counter and wiped his eyes before he put on his real glasses. Looking at the wand laying next to the pair of glasses, he hesitated before picking it up. Even if it was hopeless, he would do whatever it took to get back to her. Even if that included using the murderous weapon. His hand clenched the object tightly before he walked out of the room, leaving the white shades on the counter.

A/N: Yay, three chapters in one day! I hope you all enjoy. Feedback is appreciated!

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