Chapter 5

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You fell onto your bed happily as you thought about everything that had happened that day. You were happier than ever, without a single worry in the world, and it felt amazing. A loud chime from the computer tore you from your thoughts and you saw you had a Pesterchum message. At first, you thought it was a friend from school or something, but the purple text was unfamiliar and it said that this "caligulasaquarium" person was trolling you instead of pestering. The name sounded familiar though, and after a minute or so you realized who it was.

You hopped off the bed and ran to the computer, looking at the message eagerly.

CA: hey

You grinned before typing a response

PH: Hi! How are you doing?

CA: good i suppose

CA: so uh...

CA: that thing that happened earlier

CA: are wwe a thing noww

PH: I...guess? Do you want us to be?

CA: do you want us to be

PH: Well...yeah.

CA: then i guess wwe are then

PH: Huh. Alright then.

CA: so you said you had some movvies or somethin

CA: about a hairy person

PH: Oh, yeah! Harry Potter! Hold up let me send you a link to a website with all the movies. I have the E-Book versions of them too so I'll send you those too.

CA: oh cool

PH: *insert link to website and shit here*

PH: Yep! So what's going on with your friends?

CA: sol is bein an ass

PH: Who?

CA: hes a shitty mustard blood and my arch rival

PH: Oh ok. Well you shouldn't let him antagonize you. He's still your friend even if he is annoying and junk, right?

CA: yeah but thats not really the point

CA: hes antagonizing me on purpose and i can tell hes tryin to get caliginous wwith me

CA: wwhich i dont mind since that quadrants open but he keeps denyin it and then he goes around and does the same fuckin shit all ovver again

CA: its annoyin but you arent my moirail so i wwont bore you wwith the details

PH: Huh?

CA: wwait where you listenin to that at all

CA: or readin i guess

PH: Yeah, I was, but I'm kind of confused about all that. What do you mean by quadrants and moirails and caliginous and all that junk?

CA: you knoww lovve romance all that shit

PH: I thought...we were together now though?

CA: yeah but wwere red not pale or black

PH: Wait when did colors come into this?

CA: good god do humans not havve quadrants???

PH: No?

CA: Oh...wwell trolls havve four categories of romance

CA: theres pity feelins wwhich is us

CA: i guess its the closest thing to human feelins of lovve and romance

CA: its one of the most important quadrants too since you need a matesprit if you wanna survvivve the mass cullings

CA: theres caliginous feelins wwhich is a strong rivvalry betwween twwo people

CA: they both hate each other but it makes them strivve to be better and benefits them both

CA: thats another bucket quadrant

CA: theres pale feelins or moirailegence wwhere twwo people talk to each other about their problems and shit

CA: usually it invvolvves a more vviolent troll and a calmer one that keeps them in check

CA: theres the ashen quadrant too wwhich is twwo people that hate each other but their relationship wwould be unhealthy and cause a lot of problems so another person has to step in

CA: does that make any sense

CA: sorry i got a bit carried away

CA: my friend kar talks about this shit all the time

CA: hello?

PH: Hey, sorry I'm here. And yeah that makes sense I guess. It's kind of weird but you're an alien so... :P

CA: hey youre the alien here

PH: Well who went to who's planet first?

CA: good point

PH: Exactly.

PH: Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow then?

CA: actually i wwas gonna go head off to a friend's planet for a bit

CA: ill be able to troll you evvery noww and then but other than that i wwont see you til the next day

PH: Oh, okay.

PH: Well bye then.

CA: bye

He disconnected and you let out a sigh as the green dot next to his handle faded to gray. Sure the whole bunch of different romances thing was kind of strange, but you were dating an alien so you guessed you could get used to that. You wondered who's planet he was going to. He hadn't mentioned too much about his friends. Fef, Kar, and Kan seemed to be the ones he mentioned the most, but he and Fef were on shaky terms right now and, as far as you knew, Kar and Kan hadn't visited him once on his planet and Eridan seemed a bit upset about it.

You thought of that Sol guy that apparently wanted to be in hate-love with him and hoped Eridan didn't try to fight him or anything stupid like that. You had a sinking feeling that was exactly what was going to happen. Lying back down on your bed, you decided to get some rest. You could just talk to him again tomorrow. But right now, you were tired and needed rest. And that was exactly what you were going to get.

A/N: I'll write more tomorrow. Anyways, leave a comment if you're enjoying this story so far! I love getting feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks for reading!

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