Chapter 8

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CA: im sorry y/n

CA: this wwhole thing though

CA: its hard

CA: its hard and nobody fuckin understands

CA: i just

CA: i dont knoww

CA: i think youre asleep right noww anywways so im kinda just blabberin on to myself

CA: kar messaged me a wwhile ago and said that wwere attackin the king tomorroww

CA: present kar not asshole future kar

CA: but yeah i might not be able to see you because of this wwhole final battle thing

CA: wwell be together as soon as its ovver though

CA: anywways

CA: i just wwanted to say

CA: that i lovve you

CA: truly i do

CA: wwith all my heart and soul

CA: so yeah

CA: uh

CA: bye

You exited out of Pesterchum with a smile on your face. That was the first time he'd said it. Was it? You couldn't really remember, but you think it was. Regardless, it made you happy despite the events of the day before and you had already read the messages over and over again.

You couldn't wait until they finally defeated the king and you and Eridan could be together again. You smiled, getting up from your computer chair and making your way downstairs.

For the first time in a long while, you didn't go to the lake.

The next day, you woke up to find there were still no new messages from Eridan. You wondered why, but you supposed fighting a giant monster was a hard thing to do and probably took a while. Nevertheless, you decided to go to the lake, just in case.

As you walked to your place of peace, you couldn't help but notice the air was calm and still. It was almost too quiet. The calm before the storm... You thought. Instantly, you shook the thought from your mind. No, there's nothing to be worried about, Y/N. He's fine.

You sat down in the cool, slightly damp grass as soon as you made it there and waited, watching the middle of the lake for any sign of the boy that had stolen your heart.

Of course, there was nothing.


"Hey, asshole! Take those glasses off already. You look like even more of a douchebag than usual!"

Eridan rolled his eyes behind the shades that proudly displayed his sign. "Thanks, Kar." He replied sarcastically, not taking them off. The troll needed to message Y/N and tell her he was almost done here anyways. The king was gone and now all they had to do was collect the prize (which turned out to be a whole new universe). He looked around and noticed Sollux and Feferi standing a little ways away together. The seadweller frowned. No, don't think about all that. You have Y/N now. Looking away, he brought up Trollian on the screens of his glasses and quietly whispered his message. "Hey, I'll be there soon. Wwe just havve to get the prize and then I can leavve."

"Who are you even talking to, fithdick?" Sollux sneered.

Eridan glared back at him. "That's none a your concern, lowwblood."

"Can you two just fucking quit it for once!? We won the game. Let's celebrate our victory first before delving into another shouting match of insults and stupidity!" Karkat shouted angrily.

"Hey Kar, I forgot somethin in LOWWAA. Can I go get it after wwe get this universe thing?" Eridan asked.

"Yeah, whatever. Just be quick about it or we'll leave you here." The other growled in reply.

Good. "Thanks, Kar." Eridan said with a smile.

"Anytime, asshat."

He reached for the orb and Eridan started to walk away, figuring that he might as well just go ahead and go, when suddenly there was a flash of bright green light and a snarl. He whipped around and everyone else seemed just as shocked. A terrifying creature with the face of a barkbeast stood in front of them, a sword out and ready to strike. There was bright green fire everywhere as the beast slashed his sword and the giant blue hive-shaped door was cut in half.

The Aradiabots flew in and the monster attacked. Throwing a...(puppet thing?) at one and stabbing and slashing at the others, killing them. Eridan was frozen in shock, but soon came to his senses and absconded to the transportilizer with the others. He would have to go back to Y/N later. Right now, they had to deal with this because he was certain something had gone terribly wrong.


You looked at your phone, seeing a message from Eridan.

CA: hey ill be there soon wwe just havve to get the prize and then I can leavve

PH: Alright, sounds good! See you soon. <3

Putting your phone away, you sighed contently. Everything was fine. So...why did you have a terrible feeling that something wasn't?

Ripples on the Waters of Love (Eridan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now