Chapter 10

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He had a wand now.

He told you about it with excitement, explaining that he had gotten Kan to make it for him. It was a beautiful pristine white with golden designs going around it and he joked about how it was made of phoenix feathers and unicorn horn.

You laughed and told him how awesome that was, but all the while there was a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. You had no idea why. There was nothing to worry about, it was just a wand! But...the images from your dream came back to you and the bright white light reminded you of his description of the wand's white magic. (Or science as he called it) You tried to shake off the feeling, but your fears were stronger than ever.

CA: y/n

CA: you still there?

PH: Yeah! Sorry I was just thinking.

CA: oh

CA: alright then

CA: wwell i need to go

CA: i havvent talked to the others in a wwhile

CA: i said i wwould help kan wwith her wwhole matriorb thing anywways

PH: Okay. Sounds cool!

PH: Message me later though, alright?

CA: of course

CA: bye

PH: Bye!

You hesitated just before exiting the page. There was something strange about this conversation, but you had no idea what it was. Regardless, that feeling of dread was stronger than ever. You wanted to message him back, tell him not to go and to talk for a little while longer, anything, but he had already left.

Why were you so worried? He was going to come back...right? You reread the conversation and realized the whole time he had never mentioned his crazy plans about Jack. Not to mention the fact that he hadn't talked about helping Kan before. The feeling of dread grew and you hoped that what you thought was happening wasn't. They were his friends, right? There was no way he could abandon them like that to join their enemy!

After a few moments of staring at his username, you closed Pesterchum and shook your head. You were just being silly. Eridan would never... Getting up from your chair, you decided to go downstairs. After all, you couldn't just stare at a screen all day long.

A/N: Sorry for the super short chapter, but the next one is super long and entirely from Eridan's pov. Most of it is just copied directly from canon so you can skip it if you want. Again, thank you for reading! Please leave some feedback or a vote if you're enjoying this story so far. Thanks!

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