Chapter 3

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The next day, you left the house a little while before noon, telling your mom that you were going to visit a friend at the lake. She seemed surprised, but was happy that you had met someone and even packed you a picnic basket with two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, two bags of goldfish, and some water bottles inside. You were glad you had something to munch on, but a bit embarrassed your mom made you a lunch box like you were some kid. You did appreciate it though.

You made your way down the lake, a bit of a skip in your step as you walked there. When you reached your spot, you set the basket down and waited eagerly for the bright light that signaled Eridan's arrival. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder and whirled around to see the person you were waiting for smirking at you. "...Oh..." You said, blushing a bit. He laughed and sat down beside you, giving a confused glance at the basket.

"Wwhat the fuck is that thing?" He asked, poking it.

"It's a picnic basket. My mean lusus made us lunch in case we got hungry." You explained awkwardly.

Luckily, Eridan didn't seem bothered and opened up the basket, grabbing a sandwich and biting into it. "This is good!" He exclaimed, his mouth full. He quickly finished up the sandwich with a smile and, to your surprise, his fins flapped happily. You giggled and he looked at you in confusion.


"Your fins!" You laughed. He realized what was happening and clamped his hands over them, glaring at you and blushing bright violet.

"Shut up!" He shouted indignantly. You couldn't stop giggling though and he ended up just throwing the basket at you.

You stopped, still smiling. "I thought it was kinda cute." You said.

That only made him blush more and you giggled softly again. Turning your attention to the water, you watched some fish swim beneath the surface with interest. "So what was Alternia like when you went back yesterday? Was your seahorse dad upset that you stayed up so late?" You asked.

Eridan's expression turned cold. "No... He's dead."

Your eyes widened. " about that... If...if you don't mind me asking, how did it happen?"

"There's this game called SGRUB. Some a my friends and I played it and it ended up causin the destruction of our planet. Wwe wwere sent to this other dimension type place and wwe'vve been tryin to beat the game and all that shit since. Kill the king, get the prize, that sorta thing. Wwhen I entered the session though and wwent to LOWWAA, these angel things wwere evverywwhere they attacked me lusus didn't make it out..." He explained, a sad look in his eyes.

You were silent for a minute or so. "Oh..." Well that explained why he wanted to kill all angels.

"Don't wworry about it." He said, standing up. He dusted some of the dirt from where you were sitting off of his cape and clothes before turning back to you. "So wwhat do you wwanna do noww?" He asked.

You shrugged. There wasn't really anything too interesting to do at the lake and you couldn't exactly walk around town with an alien. "I would say that we could swim or something, but I don't have a bathing suit."

Eridan shrugged. "I'm not really one for swwimmin anywways." His eyes lit up as he got an idea. "Hey, I'vve seen your wworld, Wwhat about you come ovver to the other side of the portal and I'll showw you around the Land a Wwrath and Angels?" He offered.

You have him an uncertain look. "I don't know..." The story of how his lusus was slaughtered by the angelic creatures was pretty terrifying... Not to mention the fact that it was another dimension.

"Come on, Y/N, just trust me." He said, extending a hand.

You stared up at him, biting you lip. "Well...what could be the worst that happens, right?" You replied with a nervous laugh, reaching up and grabbing his hand. He gave you a sharp-toothed grin before pulling you to your feet.

"Let's go then, shall wwe?" He said as he made his way back towards the center of the lake, dragging you behind him. The water wasn't too deep, but you knew your jeans would be soaked after this. You didn't really care at the moment though, instead focusing on his hand holding yours and blushing. really had it bad for this guy.

A/N: Hey! I hope all of you are liking my story and, if you like it so far, please take the time to leave a comment! Thanks, and I'll try to update soon! Also, if any of you have any ideas for anything that should happen later on, please tell me since I'm kinda just making this up as I go. :P

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