Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter is completely from Eridan's pov and most of the dialogue is copied directly from canon so you can skip most of this if you want.

Eridan put his shades down, switching them out with his real glasses and breathing out a deep sigh. It was hard for him to do this, but Y/N would understand. Maybe helping Jack out would even help him get back to her! It was all for the greater good. He just had to keep thinking that. Besides, it was the only way to survive this whole mess since working with the humans wasn't helping.

Before he left though, there was something he had to do. Someone he had to talk to. He only hoped she would listen. After all, even if they weren't destined to be together like he used to think, she was his best friend at one point. His moirail. And he wasn't going to let her die here if he could stop it.

The prince walked over to the transportilizer and tapped on it with one foot, zapping into the main room. To his surprise, as soon as he materialized there he ran right into Kanaya, causing her to drop the orb. She glared at him before going to pick it up and, since he had a mission on his mind and no time for petty conversations, he just walked away towards...

"Man, where have you been!?"

He stopped on his way towards Feferi and her shitblood of a matesprit, turning around to see Karkat glaring at him and instead, decided to walk over to his friend, passing the wreckage of Aradiabot.

"You aren't helping, wandering off like..." Karkat trailed off, his eyes wandering to the object gripped tightly in the seadweller's hand. His eyes widened. "Holy shit, is that your new magic wand?"

The other glared at him. "It's not magic, wwe talked about this, Kar."

"Right, it's powered by 'science', I forgot." Karkat grumbled. He stopped, reconsidering for a second. "Or hope." He corrected before muttering. "Whatever the fuck that means..."

Eridan scowled. "I don't fuckin need this from you. I get enough shit as it is from the rest a you dirtscrapers. I thought you and me had a kinda pact or wwhatevver"

"Okay, fine, shut up! I know it's tough being you." Karkat grumbled, crossing his arms and rolling his yellow eyes.

The seadweller sighed. "Nobody gets it. I had a harder time than anyone wwith this game! It wwas really fuckin unfair wwhat challenges I got saddled wwith..." Like leaving a matesprit all alone in another dimension. He thought, not daring to say it out loud though. All Kar had to know was the whole angels thing. That was hard enough as it was anyways. "I wwoulda fuckin MURDERED for a land full of a lot a harmless brains and fire! But no!" He continued irritatedly. He stopped and his voice grew softer. "It wwas so lonely there... Hey guys, wwanna come hang out wwith me in the land a wwrath and angels...? Anybody, please! I'll even settle for the kittycat shipper cavve girl!" Maybe if someone actually visited then I wouldn't have stumbled on that portal and had to deal with all this heartbreak...

"Okay, but to be fair, I'm pretty sure she's still obsessed with me." Karkat responded, breaking him out of his thoughts. "It's a very unfortunate, very red, and VERY unrequited situation I've been trying to tiptoe around for a long time, okay? Come on, we talked about this"

"Yeah, I guess..." The seadweller muttered.

"Anyway," He continued. "I'm not sure how you were expecting to make any sort of traction when you see her as the kittycat shipping girl, she's a person with feelings you raving douche!"

"I knoww, Kar. That's not the point, I'm ovver all that. I'm just sayin, wwhere the fuck wwere you guys? I had to deal with those awwful angels all by myself! Do you havve any idea howw hard those assholes are to kill!? Like, at least a minute of sustained fire from only the most legendary wweapon evver and they wwere FAST and ANGRY as SHIT."

Ripples on the Waters of Love (Eridan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now