Chapter 4

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The two of you reached the center of the lake and he let go of your hand. He searched the bottom of the lake for the portal entrence before accidentally stepping on a strange design that seemed to be carved into the bottom. A bright light suddenly burst through and you had to shield your eyes. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you roughly into the water. You barely even had time to hold your breath before you were plunged into the cold lake. It wasn't long before you were back on the surface though.

You coughed, opening your eyes to glare at Eridan. "Did you really have to do....that..." You trailed off as you realized you weren't at the lake anymore. The area around you was filled with giant cathedral looking spires, all in black and white, and the sky was alive with winged white creatures with long, ghostlike tails. You looked around in shock and wonder, not even noticing when one of the creatures swooped down towards you with it's mouth open and teeth bared.

"Fuck! Y/N, look out!" Eridan warned, pushing you to the side and pulling out his giant blue gun from seemingly nowhere. He fired and there was a blast of white light, and suddenly the angel was gone. "You alright?" He asked, turning to you with a look of concern.

You nodded quickly. Getting to your feet. "Y-yeah... I'm fine." You assured him.

"Wwell that's a fuckin relief. Goddamn angels..." He muttered angrily. With that, he pointed his gun to the sky and shot some more, watching coldly as the fell to the ground. You hated to admit it, but the remorseless look in his eyes as he killed these monsters scared you a bit.

He lived on a different planet with a different culture. Not to mention the fact that these things killed his dad. You reminded yourself, but you still couldn't shake the strange feeling of fear. You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, before looking at him and smiling. "So what do you wanna do?" You asked.

He averted his gaze from the angels and lowered his gun before giving a shrug. "I don't knoww. Maybe wwe could go check out my hivve."

"Hive?" You questioned, confused.

He nodded. "Yeah, wwhere I livve."

Oh, he meant house. It was weird how trolls had such different names for things. You nodded. "Alright, sounds good!" You agreed.

He started walking off and you followed after him, wondering what his house even looked like. Probably a castle or something.

Walking around in this land of black and white buildings made you a bit nervous, especially with malevolent angels trying to kill you, but eventually the two of you found your way to his house and you couldn't help but be a bit surprised.

In front of you was the wreckage of a giant ship, colored teal with violet tinted windows. Built on top was...what you supposed looked a bit like a house. Mostly it was just a jumble of shapes. Still, it was really cool looking and Eridan seemed proud of it.

"Come on, I'll show ya around." He said as he climbed into a hole in the ship. You awkwardly followed after him, avoiding any pieces of wood or metal that stuck out dangerously. After walking through countless rooms that looked like they belonged on the ship, you eventually made your way to the more house-looking parts of his "hive", including a kitchen, a living room, a library and a few rooms that...looked like they were made for war strategies...? After a while, he stopped and turned to you with a smile gesturing to the room you were in now. "So, wwhat do ya think?"

There was gold and treasure piled up in a few corners and in the middle of the room was a desk with a computer-looking device on it. You were a bit more interested by the wizard statues all over the place and the fridge overflowing with terribly made wands though. "Do you like magic or something?" You joked, walking over to a wizard statue and admiring it.

Eridan's cheeks flushed purple. "Wwhat!? No... I just...think magic is kind of a fun thing! Evven if it is made up nonsense for fuckin wwrigglers!"

You laughed. "Come on, I was just joking! Besides, magic is awesome! I used to be really into Harry Potter and all that junk." Your eyes widened when you saw the confusion in his eyes. "Wait, have you never seen Harry Potter!?" He shook his head and you stared at him in shock. "I'm gonna have to let you borrow some of the books or the movies or something."

He opened his mouth to respond, but a loud chime from the computer interrupted him. He walked over to it and turned it on, his eyes going wide. "Oh fuck... I kinda forgot about evveryone else. I havve so many messages..." He turned to you. "You should probably go back home. I kinda forgot wwe wwere supposed ta be playin this game and I havve a lot to catch up on."

"Oh...uh...alright" You replied. Suddenly, you realized something. "Wait, you have Internet and stuff?" You asked.

"Yeah, wwhy?

"Well, Earth has Internet too! We should trade Pesterchum handles or something so we can stay in touch without you having to keep coming to Earth. That way you don't get distracted from your game and you can still help your friends." You explained.

The troll considered it for a moment. "That's...actually a really good idea. Wwe can still do the meetins and stuff pretty much evvery day, but I can keep on killin angels and fightin these monsters and shit." Eridan agreed.

You smiled. "Then it's settled! What's yours?"

"CaligulasAquarium. Yours?"

"P/H." You responded.

"Cool." He said with a smile. "Wwell let's go back then."

"Lets" You walked out of his hive and he followed behind you. After a while, you remembered you had no idea where you were going and he laughed before taking the lead instead. As you walked, you reflected on your pretty obvious feelings for him. What were you going to do? You knew you were in love with him and you knew that if you told him your feelings, he may actually feel the same or at least agree to give a romantic relationship a chance. But he wasn't human. Not to mention the fact that he was in a game right now and, when he won the game, who knew what would happen. You probably would never see him again after that point, and even with Pesterchum, you would grow apart. It hurt to admit it, but whatever this was, it wouldn't last long, and you would be alone again.

You finally made it to the entrance to your world and Eridan turned around to see the sad, distant look in your eyes. "Wwhat's wwrong, Y/N?" He asked in concern.

"Nothing. Just...wondering what will happen when you win the game and all." You confessed. "LOWAA won't be here anymore and neither will the portal. We'll probably never see each other again and...I don't know it's stupid."

"It isn't stupid." He replied. "You're right. And I knoww that going to end soon, but...wwell..." The violetblood looked down, fidgeting nervously. "I...think I might actually feel a little red towwards you..."

You looked at him in shock, not knowing what to say in response.

He looked away, cursing to himself. "Yeah, I kneww this wwould happen. Just shut up. You don't need to spare my feelins wwith your petty wwords a sympathy."

"No, Eridan. That's not it at all!" You protested.

He looked up in astonishment. "It's...not?"

And then, not even thinking, you closed your eyes, grabbed his cape, pulled him close, and...kissed him. It was awkward since you'd never really kissed anyone before and he seemed too surprised to even comprehend what was happening, but it was nice and when you pulled away, you both were blushing furiously and stumbling over words.

" suppose you should go back noww then..." He finally spoke, a bit breathless and still a deep shade of violet.

"Yeah...y-yeah I should do that." You replied awkwardly.

You made your way to the portal stammering out a goodbye before holding your breath and disappearing back into your world in a flash of light. Surprisingly, it wasn't even dark yet when you got back, so you had enough time for your clothes to dry off before you went back home. About halfway there, you realized the extent to what had happened, and the rest of the way you just couldn't stop smiling to yourself like a lovesick fool.

Ripples on the Waters of Love (Eridan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now