chapter three

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heyyaaa guys its me sarah again so we got 19 reads (YAYYYY) yeahh we know thats not much but thats alot to us soo thankyouu for that it means alot. soo i hope your liking the story soo far. this will make the third update of the day!! by the way remember comment what you think and if you think we need to improve some things then please tell us it will help us ALOT because we only just joined wattpad and this is our first story. So yeahh and our parents have been telling us to write a story for ages because it will improve our english skills and thats good because I'm 13 and caitlins 11 so my GCSE's start in about two years soo yeahh. GOSH that was a long authors note!! well anywayy remember comment and vote if you like. Thankyouu my little unicorns!! xx


***Louis POV***

"OMLG!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go pack, I'm going to get all my stripy tops, bottoms...................." I walked off saying. this was great! The month off! I love my job, I mean who wouldnt, but it gets abit much some times. Before the X Factor we were normal boys who could mess around with their mates and no one would really care. Now, we cant leave the house with out getting cameras shoved in our faces so it was nice to have a day off every once in a while.

As I walked off I heard the other lads carry on talking. I went into my room to go pack my things. I think I'll go find my favorite suspenders first. I started to look around my room for them. I'm sure I left them somewhere in here. After a few minutes I still hadn't find them. I was getting annoyed.

"Where are they!?!" I started to pull my drawers out in search of them when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!!" I shouted.

"Louis I've come to help you with your packing" came a irish voice as Niall walked into my room. He looked around my room. "I knew it" he muttered under his breath. "Guess you can't find your favourite suspenders?" He asked.

"Yeah but I'm sure I put them in here somewhere!?!" I said in frustration.

Niall smirked "have you tried looking on your bed?" He said looking like he was trying not to laugh.

"Niall of course I hav-" I said as I turned around to look at my bed. There on my pillow on top of a pile of clothes were my suspenders.

"Ok well maybe I haven't" I muttered under my breath as Niall burst out laughing. "Don't laugh" I whined whilst I put the suspenders in my suitcase. Niall just laughed even harder. This caused me to laugh I mean who can't?! His laugh is infectious!! And I guess that WAS quite funny.

"Ok well anyway let me help finish your packing so you dont end up breaking something in the process." said Niall. "Then you can help me with my packing ok? It'll help speed it up becasue we have the concert in about and hour or so, so we need to hurry up!"

"yeah ok" I agreed.

************************************ after the concert*****************************************

"THANK YOU LONDON YOU'VE BEEN AMAZING TONIGHT!!!!!" I screamed into my microphone so I could be heard over the crowd of hundreds of screaming girls.

With that me and the other lads walked off the stage. When we got off stage we sawuncle Si smiling at us.

"UNCLE SIMON!!!!!"  We all screamed running over to him.

"Hello boys." He greeted us.

"So Si what's up?2 asked liam.

"Well as you know you've got a month off now. Which, by the way, you've earned by working so hard." He started.

"Thank you" We replied in unison.

"Well we have now decided on where you'll be spending the month!" He said still smiling.

"WHERE!?!?!" we all screamed in excitement.

"Well we've found a small island near Spain where you wont be disturbed by fans. We thought it would be a great location for you all because it's somewhere you can relax in the sun and not get disturbed by fans!" Simon said.

"Thats great!" I said but then a thought struck me. What about our families? We haven't seen them much because of the tour.

I was about to ask this when Simon said "And dont worry you will still get to see your families. we have booked a flight for them to come some time whilst your there. I know you much miss them alot." saimon said smiling sadly at all of us. we all just nodded our heads.

"Well I hope your all packed then because your flight leaves tonight. Paul will come to pick you all up from our flat in about an hour ok?" Simon said.

"Ok" We replied.

***Jasmines POV***

Money. Check. Suitcase packed. Check. I have everything now I just need to wait until my "family" go to bed or leave the house.

Just then my two older "sisters" come into my room with smirks on their faces.

"Hey b***h we are going out for dinner with micheal, daddy and mummy." said Brittainy. I smiled to myself. YES!! My plan might actually work! I just need a way to get on the plane now..................

Olivia must of seen my smirk and said "don't think that just because we are gone that you can go eat food from OUR families fridge, because you can't. daddy put a pad lock on it to make sure of that!!"

Why was I the one stuck with these people as my family!? I mean what kind of parent puts a pad lock on the fridge so I cant eat!?!?! Well any way that doesn't matter anymore because I'm leaving!!

Once Olivia and Brittainy left my room I smiled to myself and started to dance silently around my room. Just then I heard the front door slam shut and the car drive off. Time to put my plan into action.

I grabbed my suitcase and purse with my money in and walked down the stairs. When I was down stairs I grabbed the house phone and called for a taxi. Soon the taxi had arrived and I was soon my way to the air port. Away form the hell hole i used to call home.


Well there you have it chapter three. Hope you liked it because I spent ages on it. I also made it abit longer for you because I know the other ones were short. Remember vote and comment what you think. Ohh and follow me on twitter @lou99sarah and my cousin who is co-writing this story with me @caitlincarrots thankyouu my little unicorns!!! xx

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