chapter eleven

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***Niall's POV***

"Since when did you become so mature then Lou?" Asked Harry still looking a bit annoyed at Liam but smirking at Louis.

"I don't know Harry, maybe since we have a girl in the building that police across Europe are trying to find! Ever though of that hmmmmmm?" Said Louis angrily. Harry held his hands up in a surrender.

"Louis I'm sure we have nothing to worry about. WAIT! I KNOW that we probably have nothing to worry about!!" I said, as an idea struck my mind. How had we not thought of this before!?

"Well go on then if your so SURE that there's nothing to worry about!" Hissed Liam bitterly, still clutching his head.

"Well you know that photo's of Jasmine have been sent to all the airports in Europe?" I started, smiling and feeling proud that I had been smart enough to think of this. The boys nodded whilst looking confused and like they though that I was going crazy. Which trust me, I'm not. "Well that's why we shouldn't worry!" I concluded proudly. I am so smart!

***Louis' POV***

Oh my god he's lost it!

***Liam's POV***

What the f**k is going on in his head! He really IS going crazy!!

***Harry's POV***

He's just f**king mental.

***Niall's POV***

I stood there smiling feeling proud of myself. The guys however looked at me even more strangely, like I had just confirmed that I was a mentalist. Pshh no, I'm smart!

"Are you f**king crazy Niall!? Do we need to send you to a f**king mental institute!? That is EXACTLY why we need to worry!! For f**k sake get a f**king BRAIN!!!!" Shouted Harry agitatedly. Ouch that hurt! What a nice BEST FRIEND I have aye?

I looked at him hurt, "ouch Harry that hurt. But no. Your the ones that need to get a brain! Just think! It's simple why we don't need to worry!!" They started to all look annoyed now. "OH MY F**KING GOD GUYS!!! IT'S LIKE TALKING TO A F**KING BRICK WALL! It's, s.i.m.p.l.e! Just THINK! We are on a ISOLATED island. It DOESN'T have an airport! The police can't send a photo to the sand or the IMAGINARY airport you three have thought up! We didn't land in an airport because there ISN'T one! We landed on the sand! Gosh guys, I though you all had brains and were smart! Guess not!" I said annoyed that they hadn't got it. I mean, come on! It was SO obvious!

Understanding flashed across their faces along with relief. "Gosh Nialler your right! YESSSSSSS!!! Our reputation is safe!.................................... For now." Said Liam, starting off really happily but trailing of awkwardly and uncertainly at the end.

"Yes Liam's right our reputation is safe, but for only about a month whilst we are on the island. After that we might be in danger if we keep her with us." Said Louis looking at all of us.

"Louis is right once we are off the island we are in danger of people finding out." Said Harry seriously. "I don't want her to go back to her family, I want her to stay with us, but if we take her with us on tour or something when we are off this island then we are in danger of someone finding out." We all nodded in agreement.

"Look guys we will talk about this tomorrow. It's late and by the looks of it Zayn and Jasmine are both asleep. We need to discuss this with Zayn as well." Said Liam getting up and heading towards the stairs to et to bed. "Night." Said Liam, heading into his room.

"Night." Me, Harry and Louis mumbled.

Louis and Harry headed to their rooms to go to sleep. Before I went to sleep I decided to check on Jasmine, you know, to see if she's ok.

Once I opened her bedroom door I quickly shut it. Zayn was sleeping in the same f**king bed as her!! Not only that but in just his BOXERS!!

If I thought I was jealous before I am a WHOLE lot more jealous now! Not only am I jealous I am ANGRY! Angry because I think Jasmine is starting to fall for Zayn! I just CAN'T let that happen! I like Jasmine, like, REALLY like Jasmine! Yeah she might not be the brightest button in the box, but I don't care about that! I want her to be MINE. I want to be the one protecting her! Not Zayn!

Ohh it's on Zayn. I will make her mine! Just once I have found out a way to make her love me..............................


YAY another chapter FINALLY! Yeah it took ages 'coz of two big tests. One science end of year and one maths mock foundation GCSE test. Also my history project needed finishing. (Its sarah btw :D) Yeah and I know that this is a rubbish chapter. SORRY! Its also like the fith time I've written it as well so yeah................. Please vote/COMMENT/fan etc. I beg I know. Also check out our other story Tears, Love and Consequences. Its another one direction fanfic, but with longer chapters. follow us on twitter if you want! @lou99sarah and @ArabellaStyles7 (caitlins changed............ again >.<) photo of Jasmine on the side.................................... I hope haha :D>>>>>>>>>>

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