chapter 14

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*Nialls POV*

"Look I'm sorry man, so we cool?" asked Zayn, extending his arm out for me to shake.

"ye, ya forgiven. hey where Harry and Jasmine go?" I asked looking around the room not seeing anyone but Zayn.

"I don't know.." he said trailing off at the end, looking towards the door and back at me before we both dashed towards the door making us get stuck in the door way.

"look we cant both go through at the same time!" Zayn said before we both pulled back and went forward again,making us get stuck AGAIN.

"look I'M the injured one. I should go first" i pointed out.

"oh calm down ya pussy, it was just a little scratch" he sighed crossing his arms over his chest and taking a step back.

"nahhhh" i said raising out the door and running into someone.

"ahh!" someone screamed when i ran into them making us fall on the floor.

"aww man" i sighed rubbing my head to find it bleeding again.

"OH MY GOSH! Oh my god are you ok? Oh my god your bleeding, oh gosh" Jasmine said pulling me up, and freaking out when she saw the blood.

"its ok, no problem love" i tried to assure her but she was full on shaking, her breaths coming out heavy and un even.

"b-but your-bleeeding! t-t-heres so-o m-much b-blood!" she replayed pointing to my head. her pupils were massive and filled with worry.

"seriously its ok! Zayn! get in here" i tried again to reassure her then called Zayn in to take Jasmine away.

"whats u- oh gosh Jasmine?! Whats wrong?" he asked raising in kneeling in front of her.

"b-blood. oh gosh so much blood. not again. n-no" she stuttered a single tear falling down her cheek.

"Niall go wash your face,get rid of the blood" he said not turning away from Jasmine.

After looking at the pair of them for a second i sighed and walked into the direction of the bathroom.

"wow Niall, ya bleeding mate" Harry said walking past me.

"yeah i know, i ran into Jasmine"

"what? Is she ok?"

"yeah shes fine i think, well shes sort of having a panic attack right now so Zayns with her. I don't think she likes blood" i said scratching the back of my neck.

"right" he said stretching his neck to try and see Jasmine and Zayn.

 "are you ok? You look a little red in the face" i said looking at him curiously making him go even redder.

"erm yeah, just been cooking in the kitchen. got a bit warm" he said quickly.

"right" i said not entirely convinced.

we stood in an awkward silence whilst i stood whistling and Harry stood rocking on the back of his feet.

"oh god i need to clear the blood up before i go see Jasmine again!" I say before running into the bathroom and pulling out the first aid box. once id got our some tape and a bit of bandage i ran a flannel under the cold water and held it to the wound applying pressure to stop the blood flow. Then i looked down at the stuff id gotten out of the box and sighed. 

"how do i put this on?"

*Zayns POV*

i was currently sat in my room with Jasmine who was sat down in the corner of the room rocking back and forth with her head in her lap.

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