Chapter eight

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***Liams POV***

"Ugghh fine ok well I don't know if you have noticed but.......... SHE IS A MEMBER OF ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FAMILIES IN LONDON!!!!!!!!!" I said shouting a bit.

"Yeah and.......... We have noticed that but it still doesn't give you the right to be such a d**k! So her families important so what! No one knows about her because they kept her a secret so no one is going to know she's missing but her family!" Zayn replied sounding VERY annoyed with me.

"Ugghhh you don't get it do you!! She is a member of one of the MOST IMPORTANT FAMILIES IN LONDON!! All her family have to do is call the police and say one of their family members is missing and there will be officers ALL over London looking for her! For all we know there could be police looking for her RIGHT NOW!! If they cant find her in London they'll look in towns near London. If they can't find her in any of those towns they'll look around the whole country, then Wales, Scotland and Ireland. If they can't find her there they will look around the WHOLE of Europe!!!! They will class her as kidnapped and be looking for the persons or PEOPLE who have her!!! They will hold them responsible for her kidnapping!! That's us guys! don't you see! at the moment she is here with US! in the eyes of her family and the police we have KIDNAPPED HER! Yeah I know we haven't kidnapped her and she sneaked on to our plane but whose going to believe that!!" I said getting really p****d off with them for being so blind to all of this!! I mean its quite obvious people are going to be looking for her if she is a member of one of the most important families in London.

"That's why your being so mean to her? 'Coz your scared people are going to come looking for her?" Said Niall. I nodded confirming what he had just said. "Well mate from what we have heard about how her family treats her I'm sure they wont call the police. They seem to hate her!! Which I cannot understand because she is such a nice person." The other boys muttered their agreement. "But as I was saying Liam mate there isn't anything to worry about if anything her family will be over the moon that she is gone! I'm sure they won't call the police, from what Jasmine has said they sound like they hate her too much to do that." Finishes Niall.

All I can think after Niall has finished saying this is he has gotta be wrong. No family can hate their own daughter so much that if she goes missing they won't call for help.

"But what if your wrong?" I mutter under my breath.

"Ey? What did you say Liam I couldn't hear you!" said Harry.

"I said but what if your wrong!? They could've called the police you never know!! No family can hate their child so much that they wish for them to go missing!! I know I wouldn't wish that on any of my children!" I said getting so angry with them I was shaking with rage. "Say they do call the police, like I think they will... If the police find that we have got her what do you think that will do to the reputation of the band!? The headlines of every newspaper in the UK, Europe, maybe even countries further than that 'Biggest Boyband in the World One Direction Kidnaps Jasmine Wood.' Our reputation will plummet we will loose our fans and even worse, we will be sent to prison for kidnap!" I said on the verge of shouting.

"Look mate we under stand now why you haven't been so nice and why you are scared of her being here. But trust me when I say this ok. OK?" I nod. "Good. But as I said trust me when I say that Jasmines family, as harsh as this sounds, seem to not give a s**t about Jasmine in the slightest. That's why she is here with us and not back in London, at home with her family. We are safe, Jasmines safe, the reputation of the band is safe. We aren't going to go to jail because I promise you. Jasmines family aren't going to call the police ok?" Louis replied. Gosh he actually sounds like the oldest member of the band for once! Normally people think I'm the oldest and most mature......

"Ok Louis. I'm going to trust you this time ok." I said smiling feeling a bit better.

"Good." Louis replied smiling. "Now how's about we watch TV for a bit then go to bed?"

"Sounds good to me I'm going to get some popcorn ok?" said Niall walking into the kitchen. Typical Niall.

"Yeah sounds good" Harry and Zayn agreed. I just smiled and nodded in agreement liking the sound of just hanging out with my four best mates and not having to worry about this whole 'Jasmine dilemma' for the night.

"Ok then" said Louis turning on the television just as Niall came in through the door way with his bowl of popcorn.

But what came on the TV wasn't what any of us had been expecting. It was so shocking that Niall dropped his popcorn on the floor and didn't bother to pick it up (well that's a first), he just kept staring at the screen wide eyed like the rest of us.

"Breaking news. A member of the famous London family, the wood family, has gone missing today. 18 year old Jasmine Wood went missing this morning whilst her family went to dinner at the restaurant la fancy in London. (A/N completely made up restaurant :D) There is no evidence of a struggle so it is unclear on what has happened to Jasmine but police are suggesting that Jasmine might have been kidnapped. Police are beginning their search around London but have sent photos of Jasmine around the country and surrounding countries in Europe and in airports so if she is sighted it can be reported to police immediately" said the news reporter. When the news report was over Louis switched the television off.

"S**t" Louis whispered all our thoughts.

I just stared a Louis. I trusted him, he told me i could trust him!! Well consider that trust well and truly broken.


Ohhh! What's going to happen!? Well all I can say is that I don't know either cozz me and Caitlin haven't talked about it yet ahahaa!! :) remember please comment what you think because it will help alot ohh and if you like it vote please! follow me on twitter @lou99sarah and caitlin @caitlincarrots

Quick question for you all do you have a soft spot for one of the boys of 1D or are you like me and love them all?! Hope you liked this chapter little unicorns :D <3 xx

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