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The entire journey was full of tension, sexual tension, danielle could barely breath, at one point, haerin touched her inner thigh and she nearly choked on her spit. Danielle saw haerin smiling pleasantly at her desperate condition.

What was happening to her? Should she run? Well, her pussy was screaming otherwise. She didn't even notice when danielle pulled over inside the parking of her apartment.

Her hands dangerously close to danielle's bare vagina, she was mentally begging for her touch but she removed her hand from danielle's thigh and whimpered.

Quite unintentionally, she really didn't want to sound like a slut, at least not yet.

She turned towards danielle and took her jaw in between her fingers and started to stroke lips slowly, please don't stop.

"I'm going to take care of you today, baby, remember two rules for me? Obey me and always answer in words for me, understood?"

Her words were floating in danielle's ears, thankfully she understood what haerin asked her to do, and said, "yes"

"Yes, who?"

"Yes, mistress"

The way haerin looked at her lips kind of convinced her that she would forget about her crappy ex, at least for today, she would.

She bit her bottom lip and looked like she was trying her best to control herself from fucking danielle right then and there.

She freed her jaw keeping her eyes still glued to her plump lips and unlocked the car door. Haerin finally had to look away as she exited thr car and ran to her side, holding the door open for the red haired woman.

Danielle got up shaking like a dry leaf, haerin was eyeing her up and down again, she was feeling herself getting undressed by just her gaze.

There was so much difference from her eyes and the eyes of that disgusting guy in the bar.

Haerin finally held her hand just like before and led her to the elevator, danielle was following her an obedient puppy.

It was almost midnight and extremely quiet there, they were standing in silence when danielle felt her long fingers brushing along her neck slowly.

She was tracing her neck and jawline, teasing the smaller, did haerin have a neck kink? Was she gonna kiss danielle? Now? In the elevator?

They ascended in the 20th floor and she opened the door of her apartment for danielle, the moment she entered haerin's apartment, she felt warm nice and warm.

Just like haerin, the central room was not gigantic or rich, but it was very cozy and sophisticated, there was a dim lighting so all she could figure out was a large sofa and a lamp beside it.

She wanted to observe it more but before she could recapitulate what just happened, she was pushed against the door, danielle's hands pinned above her head.

She was entirely caged between haerin's arms, her other hand choking her throat slightly.

Oh god, exactly how strong was she? Danielle was literally immobilised within her. She looked straight to danielle's big doe eyes and commanded, "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

Danielle didn't think twice before doing exactly what she demanded, her thundering voice running like shivers down danielle's spine.

Haerin looked at her protruding tongue, licked her own bottom lip and took danielle's tongue in her mouth hungrily.

She savoured danielle's mouth like her own dominion, like she was entirely hers. Haerin licked the top of danielle's mouth, and she shivered a little in her dead grip.

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