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Danielle was so afraid yet excited, she knew she screwed up real time, the rest of the journey was silet,

They reached the parking lot and parked the vehicle, she came to danielle's side to open the door for her.

Danielle was not someone who could be disrespected, she was hers, she could treat danielle like a queen, yet show danielle her place, this combination was so hot, her anticipation was leveling up to danielle's head,

she just wanted to be completely overwhelmed by her, when she was out of the car, she took her hands and they went towards the elevator.

She was again pleased to notice that the way she held danielle's hand had not changed either.

There was a dead silence that was intimidating the curly haired girl, the moment the elevator closed, she turned towards danielle and caged her in between her arms,

She was completely entrapped in her death grip, it made danielle feel so helpless, because she knew no matter how much she tried, she would never be able to set free from her embrace.

Haerin's lips were close to her eat, "Don't make any noise" she almost growled and danielle got absolutely no time to comprehend her order,

She pressed her large hand on danielle'a mouth in order to suppress any noise that might escape, and without any warning, she just dived in and bit the nape of her shoulder harshly,

It brought a tear to her eyes, she was sure she was bleeding, haerin sucked the bite sensually, danielle didn't even got time to breathe when haerin dig her teeth right into her shoulder just a little on the side to the previous bite.

Danielle let out a small whimper, and haerin hearing that, bit her harder, and with that danielle understood that no matter what happens she should not make the tiniest sound, or she would literally eat her up.

Haerin then looked at danielle, opened danielle's mouth with her thumb forcefully and inserted her tongue in her,

Her tongue went deeper and deeper making danielle nearly gag, fuck, danielle couldn't breathe, thankfully the elevator dinged and she released danielle the same way she started.

Danielle was left hanging, open mouthed, her lipstick was smeared and the cheap makeup that she used was a mess,

Haerin took her hands once again, her face dead serious as she measured the other up and down, tilting her head slightly, look at the mess she made out of danielle.

She unlocked the door and they entered, haerin took her coat out of danielle's shoulder and looked at her,

Haerin was looking at her lips, like she would attack them at any moment, haerin opened her mouth,

"Do you know how to cook?" asked haerin suddenly, making the other look at her taken-aback.

"Yes, yes I can cook, miss."

"Would you cook for me?"

"Yes, of course, miss."

"Okay then please make some sandwiches for me, just don't put tomatoes."

"Okay, miss" danielle obeyed, walking towards the kitchen with a slightly puzzled expression,

This was the punishment? That she had to cook for her? That was easy..

As danielle took a step forward, haerin stopped her, "Oh no, you can't cook with those clothes on, let me dress you up." her calm voice was ringing in danielle's ear.

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