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When danielle came back to reality, her right side was empty, the large man who was clinging next to her just left the vehicle and stood outside, danielle came out as well.

"Come on" the man ordered with a crooked smile, hendery had already left and went inside from the backdoor, danielle was also taken there, she entered a rather shady corridor into a small room.

The man showed her a dress that was hanging and told her to get dressed in five minutes, he also told her to get some make up on and hide that hideous bruise.

It was a small black dress, so small and tight it could be compared to a swimming suit, there were also cat ears and a dog collar.

Danielle looked at it for a moment and a thought of how haerin used the dog collar, making danielle all hers, was overwhelming for her.

There was no point in trying to escape, danielle took a deep breath and wore the dress,

Danielle just put on enough foundation and concealer to hide the bruise, she wore the ox blood red lipstick and tried to fix her hair a little bit.

There was no hope left anyways, she was out in moments, the man held her by the collar and dragged her along with him, her neck was hurting so badly,

Danielle felt like crying again, but just held it in, she can't cry right now, danielle was in the familiar bar once again, there on the stage, were four mote woman in exactly the same attire as her, standing there, like a show piece.

The bar was full with at least 40 people, sitting in chairs around round tables, she saw hendery at the farthes corner, pleased and smiling.

Danielle stood with her head high, without any fear, she knew this was going to happen so there's no need for her to be afraid now.

"Let's start the bidding, we have the last piece with us, so slave five is special and is extremely pleasurable to fuck, she would be kept for last."

Someone began with a mic, "Let's start, slave one please come forwards."

The girl from the farthest right corner came forward, she was the one danielle saw making out with the old guy on the barstool.

She stood there intentionally showing her cleavage and butt, shaking them and trying to be sexy, "200!" "300!" "500!" "700!"

And with this the bidding went up and up and the last girls was sold off to almost 1200 dollars.

Danielle was standing there all alone, thinking about when this would end, the familiar faces in her life swam in front of her.

Her mother, her father, her friends..

"Okay, so our most precious slave here, come on, show them your body!"

Danielle chose to ignore them completely, she was going to be kicked but the crowd went nuts to see her, they were increasing the bidding like crazy.

Danielle knew she was pretty and more importantly she was "fresh and untouched", so the demand was high, it began with '1000 dollars'

"2000 dollars!"

"3500 dollars"

"5000 dollars"

"6000 dollars"

"10.000 dollars!"

Danielle felt nauseating, how come people are so cheap? They were buying actual humans, like meat.

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