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Monday arrived fast and danielle walked along with yeji towards her university, yeji accompanies the shorter because she doesn't have any work on monday,

besides haerin somewhat forced her because she's busy with work today, and haerin wanted to make sure that the shorter was safe,

Yeji didn't mind, though, since she finds danielle very entertaining and adorable, the both of them were joking until the good humour was ruined by ambar and her little group of friends,

"Get lose, ambar." yeji growled, she knew the group of girls after accompanying the curly haired girl every monday,

Ambar put on an innocent expression, "Calm down, yeji, I'm not here to fight, I just came to tell danielle that your girlfriend is cheating on you."

"What are you talking about? Stop causing problems." yeji rolled her eyes, "Oh, you haven't seen it?" ambar laughed wickedly,

"It seems that haerin changed her taste and preferred to date someone prettier"

"Stop, I won't fall for those lies." danielle tried to walk through with yeji, but ambar spoke again,

"I'm not lying, but if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." yeji was   on her phone talking with her colleagues about some work so she didn't notice what was happening,

Danielle looked behind towards where the blonde haired girl was pointing and saw haerin smiling and blushing with a smaller girl whose back was only visible,

"I already said that it was very ridiculous for haerin to date someone like you." ambar scoffed, rolling her eyes,

Danielle was going to reply, but she fell silent when she saw haerin ruffling the hair of the pretty girl and engulfing her in an embrace."

Satisfied with fulfilling her mission of making danielle feel bad, ambar left with her friends, laughing.

Haerin watched as lia entered the school and was about to search for danielle since she was done with her business,

She felt a piercing gaze and looked around, meeting danielle's eyes, haerin smiled bigger when she saw the beautiful girl and walked towards her to say hello and maybe steal a kiss from her,

But she stopped when danielle looked away, quickly walking towards the building,

Haerin spotted her best friend and looked at yeji in confusion, yeji who was just finished texting, shrugged and dashed towards lia,

Haerin took out her cellphone and quickly wrote a few messages,

- Hello puppy, I hope your first day goes well.

- I also want to see you.

Haerin frowned when she was left on seen, but she didn't want to get any wrong ideas, she was probably busy talking with yeji or maybe the teacher has arrived,

Danielle's day was a mess, yeji left because she had some work to do and ambar's little group took it upon themselves to bother her like never before,

They threw food at her and even humiliated her saying that she was just haerin's toy, that she was only with her for boredom,

Danielle struggled to ignore them, but during break seeing how the new girl, lia was practically praised by everyone made her feel insecure.

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