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Haerin felt funny, the slut that she fucked yesterday was laying there totally overwhelmed.

She looked at her cheap smudged makeup and glistening face and felt a familiar self-satisfaction, the kind of satisfaction that she always gets after a good, her way sex.

Haerin pulled out all the bondages from her body, the moment she pulled out the extra large purple dildo out of her vagina, her long withheld cum started to overflow all over the bed.

Well, she didn't care much and didn't really bother cleaning her up either, she was just a random slut she picked up from the street when she was out with yeji.

Haerin pulled out a cigarette from her overcoat hanging from the coat hanger, and it seemed like many memories started flooding rigut into her through the smoke.

Yeji and her were really close friends, right from high school, yeji was always the rowdiest and strongest bitch in the class.

Nobody like her, talked with, it was also partly because she joined school late, she was kind of a loner, everybody was practically jealous of her because she was clearly better than most of the lanky, dependable girls with only one agenda of grabbing male attention, filled in the rest of the class.

Yeji was fiercely independent and strong, both physically and mentally, she had to take care of two baby siblings all her life while her mother worked her ass off and her father ran away.

She would have no other way but to grow up, everyone loathed her for being this strong even in such a bad situation, what even made this worse was that she was very quiet.

She never talked with anyone, she had that type of expression on her face that made her even more unfriendly and unapproachable.

And back in the days, haerin used to be this stupid girl who thought everyone could be her friend, if one could just ask nicely, so naive.

It was history class, yeji didn't have the book with her, the teacher asked if anyone was willing to share their book with her, quite predictable, nobody wanted to.

Probably because everyone was afraid that yeji would smack their face if they breathed wrong?

Being the nicest fluttering bird haerin was, she flew towards yeji with her book like an angel after literally shrieking with the top of her voice, "Teacher!! I will share!!"

Haerin still remembers her face, she had her eyes wide open in pure surprise and wondered who this twittering bitch was, and since then the two of them clicked.

Theu literally hung out together every single day, from fighting bullies to being each other's shoulder to cry on,

Yeji was the only one standing by her side after 'that' happened, the reason due to which her then 'naife bird self' became a now 'obnoxious bitch'.

They both supported and encouraged each other like crazy, yeji ended up being chief senior inspector of Seoul police agency at an surprisingly young age.

And haerin ended up being senior manager of the neo marking company, again at a surprisingly young age.

Haerin was also kind of a part time helper of yeji's cases, basically her mental support. Yeji sometimes approached haerin when she no leads in a difficult case, haerin apparently worked as a 'lucky charm' for yeji,

because she 'attracts' trouble and criminals for all kind, yeji knew that haerin was bisexual and she needed constant sex to function properly.

But to haerin's wildest surprise, she had no idea how yeji got her hands to the sluttiest girls with the fattest asses.

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