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Danielle found herself zoning out now and then, she was overthinking, what was she going to do? Was this really the end of her life?

There was another package this time, it's the third time a package like this had appeared in front of her door,

She didn't have that kind of money to rent someplace else right now, the second package arrived about a week after, it had no photos, just a small message.

'I'll sell the images if you don't come back to us, don't even thinking about calling the police, or the photos will be out before you know.'

Danielle was devastated, there was no way in hell she was going back to that God forsaken place.

She felt like vomiting just by thinking about that place, those men, their filthy stares, those naked women, smell cheap of wine.

She was so lucky that haerin came to her rescue, she saved her, she was hers, not their piece of meat.

She wanted to go back to her so badly,  to apologize to her, but she couldn't gain the courage to actually go up to her and face her.

She did her so wrong.. danielle thought about going to the police station, despite the warning, but she was pretty sure that they were keeping an eye on her.

If she ever went to the police station, that would be the end.

And then the next package arrived, today, about two weeks later than the last one.

It was a last warning.

'be present at the central park below the clock at 12 am tonight, last warning, you'll be in those calendar covers otherwise.'

She knew he was taking this seriously, he was clearly angry, his handwriting clearly stated that, he used so much pressure while writing that he nearly tore the page.

He was uncontrollable when he was mad, but this time he was so angry that the letters were shaky and were just scribbles.

He couldn't believe that she didn't obey him, when they were in a relationship, he was excessively possessive towards her, she had to wear what he wanted,

come to him whenever he wanted, had sex with him whenever he wanted, she just did all of those because she was blinded by love.

He was so toxic that she didn't even notice, he got so angry once because she chose to hang out with her friends rather than spending time with him,

that he almost threw her to the wall and tried to beat her up, but he cooled down later whatsoever, but she was so scared she nearly peed herself.

Even if she wanted to leave him at some point or another, she was actually horrified to actually tell him that she wanted a breakup, because she had no idea what he might do.

She needed to move out, she was about to leave for grocery shopping but now this piece of package, she felt like she was kicked out of my own axis.. (stream new axis by nct u)

Just walking around, she came out of her apartment, not knowing where she was going, she just knew that she was moving, she was completely numb.

And before she knew, she was in front of haerin's apartment, danielle was sweating and breathing heavily.

No, she couldn't go to haerin, she still needed to apologize for being an asshole, she was probably still very much pissed on her.

She might actually explode from all the anger and pain that danielle caused her solely because of her own stupidity.

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