finale chapter

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When they parted due to lack of air, haerin looked danielle intensely,

"Y-you love me?" danielle asked agitated, yes, they have kissed, and did much more than that, but love wa such a big word, danielle would've never expected that,

She is suffering from the worst trust issues after the situation with hendery, that's why she's so shocked..

"You have no idea."

Danielle felt her whole face burn, she had never received a confession from anyone like that, not even from hendery.. this felt more real and sincere.

"Danielle.." haerin snapped her out of her thoughts by intertwining their hands,

"I know you said we were going too fast, but I think we already know each other well,

I don't think I'll be able to hold myself.. so I'll ask, will you be my girlfriend? Can I be yours? Or am I still going too fast.. if so I'll make an effort to contain myself and be patient."

Danielle denied with the biggest grin on her flushed face, "No, you're perfect, hae, I'll be your girlfriend." she murmured shyly, haerin screamed excitedly, attacking danielle's face with multiple little kisses making the smaller giggle.

"It tickles, stop!" danielle laughed, her eyes forming moon crescent and her plump cheeks turning redder,

"You're finally my girlfriend, I'm finally yours."

Soon the bell rang and haerin opened the door for her family to enter, renjun and haechan smiled fondly at danielle making her flustered,

Soon yeji and lia entered the house, everyone already knew that the both of them are dating now,

Yeji had her arms protectively around lia's slender waist, lia just smiled shyly and both jisung and haerin cringed at the sight knowing how this is the same lia who loves to annoy and tease them.

Jisung rolled his eyes entering the house, dabbing up his twin sister, haerin took danielle by her hand and led her towards the kitchen,

"Let's make food for our family, puppy." danielle just blushed at how she said 'our' instead of 'my',

"O-okay." she grinned, observing the taller who was focused looking at the ingredients, haechan had his hands wrapped around his husband, they were both watching the couple in the kitchen from the living room, preparing food for them.

Haerin truly has changed and they knew it was because of the smaller girl, haerin was cold-hearted, she was of course still gently with her parents and siblings,

But she never had contact with people, only for her pleasures, her parents were aware about how haerin was with girls..

But they couldn't do anything about it, renjun had a tear trailing down his cheek and haechan smiled, "You're still as sensitive ever, baby." haechan kissed the tear away before kissing renjun's plump red cheek,

Renjun pouted, with a frown etched on his face, "Shut up, hyuck." haechan just shook his head with an amazed expression.

Soon the family dinner was over and everyone left, danielle told her that her whole class were going to have dinner together tomorrow,

Haerin asked if she would be okay, danielle just nodded and asked if she could take her there and bring her back afterwards, of course, as a loving girlfriend, she agreed.

That was until haerin saw one of the guys of danielle's class hugging her girlfriend with one of his arms while they laughed the next day when he was about to bring her back home,

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