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Danielle woke up in the morning and immediately panicked, this wasn't her home? She could see herself from the bed to the full length mirror standing opposite the wall.

She was wearing a baby blue hoodie and.. that's it. Her clothes were neatly folded in the bedside table. Well it was not hers to begin with.

There was another set of fresh pants and shirt folded as if giving danielle the option to choose whatever she wants.

Her entire body was aching like hell, especially her butt and down there..she tried to get up quickly but her aching body was not moving.

She finally stood up and walked in front of the mirror, she was limping, she looked at herself and pulled out the hoodie.

In a jolt she remembered haerin, the stripping, kissing, tongues, chokers, blindfolds... all that sex, all that moaning and begging, it was so good, she still felt like she was brimming with pleasure.

The person danielle saw in the mirror was definitely not her, it couldn't be her.. danielle was glowing from all the sex.

Her entire body was full of bite marks and hickeys, she couldn't find any place in her pale body which did not have a red or purple mark.

She had prominent binding marks on her wrists and around her neck. Her nipples were red and swollen from all haerin's rough sucking and pinching.

The bite mark just beside her nipples were especially deep, danielle spread her thighs slightly to see her inner thighs and it was completely covered in bite marks, like she was marking danielle as hers.

Danielle shook her head and got dressed quickly, she needed to get out of her, last night was amazing but there was no point of dreaming about it now.

Danielle came out of the room, along the corridor and reached the living room, and there she was drinking coffee and talking seriously on the phone.

Haerin looked ethereal in her grey sweatpants and white shirt, a little messy hair, slowly sipping from her cup. Danielle was dazed, haerin turned around and their eyes met and she wouldn't let danielle break the eye-contact.

"I'll call you later" and with that she cut off the call, she looked pleased to see danielle wearing her clothes.

"Sit" she gestured the soft just next to hers, and danielle chose to obey her, once again.

"I'm sorry about all those marks, it was really hard to control myself, I promise I would ask next time."

Without thinking, danielle blurted out, "next time?"

"Yeah, tommorow maybe, well if you can actually. You're okay right? I went a little overboard, last night we were both kinda tipsy, so wanna talk now?"

Danielle looked at the other with wide eyes, "U-uhm, I'm sorry but, next time? Look, I-I don't know what I have done or said last night but I can't continue this.." she stammered before continuing, "I mean.. I'm still a student with hopes and dreams, I can't just leave everything behind just like that and live with you.."

"Well, I'm not asking you to leave anything behind, you can continue living your life however you want, you are free now, just stay close to me and spend some time with me."

Haerin caressed her hands, her expression hardening and softening alternatively, it felt like she was trying her best to stay calm.

Danielle had no idea what demon possessed her, but she jerked off haerin's hands and stood up, with a frown etched on her face.

"No, I can't, I don't even know you, I can't just submit to you just like that.. I can't live with being- I don't know- your sugar baby?!"

Haerin kept calm, her nose slightly flaring, "Calm down, I know you're stressed, I understand that-"

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