Chapter 14- The Elf Trip

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I am surprised that Celestia's vision of a celebration involves us passing into the town, dressed in fine yet light black metal armor that drapes over our undergarments somewhat loosely and comfortably.

"Why are we here?" I question Celestia, trailing behind her through an array of tunnels and pathways bustling with a diverse group of creatures that are long extinct in my time.

"To celebrate," she responds with a grin. "There's, you could say," she grips my arm, guiding me through a throng of people toward a small, humble-looking shack labeled 'The Enchanted Oak'. To be honest, it appears more akin to an outhouse. I shoot her a puzzled glance and she rolls her eyes, leading me into the miniature structure.

My astonishment is evident as we step inside, revealing an enormous room. It must be at least three stories high and nearly matches the castle's ballroom in terms of width. The place is overflowing not just with humans, but a variety of other beings as well. Elves, dwarfs, fairies, even a centaur, creatures I have never set my eyes on before due to their illegal status and subsequent extermination before my era. The history books allege that it is the Frostbane family who cold-heartedly massacred them all.

I give Celestia with a look of terror. "We're not here to kill  these creatures, are we?"

She examines me for a moment, questioning my seriousness, and then erupts into laughter. "Kill them? No, these are my friends. Gods, why would you assume that?"

"Because the history books claim that you and Caspian declared most of these creatures illegal and killed them without any warning," I answer truthfully.

"Absolutely not. We have laws to shield them from such monstrosities," she informs me.

"Oh." That is all I can manage to say.

"At some point, you're going to need to tell exactly what your books wrote about me and my brother," she says. "But for now, we're here to fucking party."

As we settle into the bustling pub, the atmosphere grows livelier by the minute. The air is filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses. Celestia and I find ourselves amidst the festivity, joining in the merriment of the diverse group of creatures. Elves, fairies, centaurs, and giants, all fall under the same term, Astralites.

I raise my glass, filled with a foamy, golden liquid, and take a sip. The drink is surprisingly sweet, with a hint of spice. Celestia clinks her glass against mine. "To new friendships and badass warriors!" she exclaims.

As the night wears on, I find myself engaged in conversations with creatures I had only read about in myths and legends. The elves, with their ethereal grace and eloquent speech, captivate my attention. I am particularly drawn to their leader, an elf with long dark hair, piercing green eyes, and an air of wisdom about him.

Curiosity piques, and I approach the elf leader, who introduces himself as Eirian. "Hello, stranger," he says, his voice carrying a melodic tone. "What brings you to our pub?"

"I am here with Celestia," I reply, gesturing toward my companion. "It's an honor to meet you, Eirian."

He smiles warmly. "The honor is mine. Let us drink together and bask in the magic together."

With a graceful motion, he pricks his finger with a silver needle and delicately places a drop of his blood into each cup around him. I watch, both fascinated and bewildered by this unexpected gesture. Eirian raises his cup, and the rest follow suit. I have only ever heard of the legends of elf blood.

"To new friendships and experiences," he announces, his voice carrying a mystical undertone.

We all take a sip from our cups, and almost instantly, a wave of enchantment washes over me. Colors become more vibrant, the music grows ethereal, and the room begins to swirl with fantastical illusions. The walls morph into lush forests, the ceiling transforms into a star-studded sky, and the floor seems to ripple like a tranquil lake. It's hard to know what is real and what is not.

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