Chapter 32- Die, Bitch.

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The next morning, I open my eyes to find Dysis hovering over me. "Rise and shine, my lady. The king is summoning you to the throne room," she announces. I groan and sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Why does he always insist on dragging me there so fucking early?" I mutter, feeling a wave of annoyance wash over me. Dysis chuckles softly in response.

"We must prepare you immediately," she insists. I quickly slip into a pair of sleek black leather pants and a cozy red wool shirt with long sleeves and a slightly daring neckline. The fabric drapes loosely over my figure as Dysis guides me to the mirror, her nimble fingers untangling my fiery red curls.

"So, how was the ball last night? Did you enjoy the dress?" I inquire, genuinely curious. Dysis beams with excitement as she continues to work her magic on my hair, skillfully weaving braids into the cascade of curls.

"Oh, it was absolutely enchanting, my lady! Thank you for the dress. It was the most amazing night of my life," she gushes, her hands moving with practiced ease.

"How old are you, Dysis?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"I am twelve, ma'am," she replies with pride. "But I'll be turning thirteen soon."

"Ah, I remember what it was like at your age. The parties were always so much fun," I reminisce, a touch of nostalgia in my voice. "I would love for you to join me at more of them in the future."

Her eyes light up with delight. "I would absolutely love that," she responds, finishing up my hair. I rise from my seat, secure my belt and sword around my waist, and leave the room, making my way towards the grandeur of the throne room.

As I make my way towards the group, Caspian, Sin, Celestia, Nova, and Eirian, Caspian greets me with excitement. "Kyla, great news!" he exclaims, gently guiding me towards the rest of the team. "We can leave right away. While I'm gone, Celestia will act as regent, and we just need your guidance on weapons and armor. It's your mission, after all."

I can hardly believe it. Finally, I have the chance to avenge the deaths of Rowan and Mavis at the hands of Kieran. "Your Grace, we'll need the finest armor you have for all three of us," I reply. "Each of us should carry a sword, a dagger, and a bow. And please, leave your crown behind. We don't want to attract any unnecessary attention when we arrive."

Caspian nods understandingly, a smile gracing his face. He then turns to Daegon, the leader of the king's guard. "Please make the necessary preparations. Pack some food, water, and camping gear, just in case."

Daegon acknowledges the command and departs from the throne room. My mind races with anticipation as I imagine what it will feel like to face that monster once again. To plunge my sword deep into his chest, just as he did to my lover and baby.

Sin joins our side, his gaze fixed on me. "What's the plan?" he asks, eager to hear the details.

"When we arrive, I'll freeze everyone in the castle," I explain, mapping out the strategy in my mind. "You two will incapacitate them to buy us more time. I don't want to harm anyone except for Kieran and one specific guard. Our goal is to remain unseen and get in and out as quickly as possible."

Sin nods, satisfied with the plan. "Sounds solid to me. But what's our backup plan if things go awry?" he inquires.

"If anything goes wrong, both of you grab my hands, and we'll retreat immediately back here," I respond. "Your lives are too valuable to risk."

"Make any necessary preparations now. We'll depart in an hour," Caspian interjects.

And so, I do just that. Accompanied by Celestia, I don her best all-black suit of armor. She assists me in securing a sword to my waist, a dagger to my thigh, and a bow on my back. Dysis gracefully braids my long red hair, ensuring it won't obstruct my vision. I take the time to read and practice the freezing spell from the book "Timebound by Magic," knowing that this situation demands utmost precision.

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