Chapter 19- Battlefield

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Celestia and I found ourselves seated behind Caspian, each of us perched atop a magnificent horse. The rhythmic neighs and the piercing whistle of the wind were the only sounds that broke the eerie silence surrounding us. With each passing moment, my anxiety grew, tightening its grip around my heart. Who could have ever imagined that I would be here, locked in a deadly battle against my own ancestors?

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, until finally, the sight of the Viena Army emerged on the horizon, slowly approaching from the opposite side of the vast field. As their eyes met ours, both armies came to an abrupt halt, the tension thickening the air between us. Standing there, we surveyed each other for a fleeting moment. To my surprise, their forces appeared larger than I had anticipated, composed entirely of humans. No Astralites were to be seen. It was apparent that our side boasted a diverse coalition of giants, elves, and centaurs, standing united against this formidable human army.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through our veins, the moment of stillness shatter as war cries erupted from both sides. Our horses gallop forward, carrying us towards the impending clash. The ground beneath us shook with the thunderous hooves of our allies, giants and centaurs charging alongside us. The elves, swift and agile, darted between the trees, their arrows already singing through the air around us.

As we neared the enemy lines, fear grips me like never before. I tighten my grip on the hilt of my sword, determin to fight with all my strength. Celestia, her eyes ablaze with a fierce determination as well, drew forth her bow, ready to unleash deadly arrows upon our foes. Caspian, a seasoned warrior, exuded an aura of calm amidst the chaos. His sword glinted in the sunlight, ready to cleave through any opposition. He actually looks like he is enjoying this.

The clash was brutal and chaotic, a whirlwind of clashing metal, screams, and the scent of blood. The Viena Army fought back with ferocity, their numbers overwhelming, but our unity and determination proved to be a formidable force. I swung my sword with all my might, parrying blows and striking back, my heart pounding in my chest. Each swing of my blade felt like an eternity as if time had slowed down in the midst of the chaos.

Countless enemies fell under the might of my sword as I skillfully cleaved through their ranks. Amidst the chaos, I caught glimpses of Caspian and Celestia, their movements harmonizing seamlessly as they fought side by side. Yet, in a fleeting moment of inattention, fate seized its chance...

Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, I found myself forcibly ejected from the saddle, crashing headlong into the earth, narrowly evading the lethal edge of my own sword. Hastily regaining my footing, I snatch up my weapon just as a Viena soldier charges towards me, brandishing a colossal and wickedly sharp axe. With a surge of adrenaline, I propell my sword and my entire body weight towards his weapon, yet the collision sent me hurtling backwards, desperately struggling to maintain my balance.

Once more, our weapons clash, and this time my blade grazes the very tips of his fingers, severing them mercilessly. A piercing cry of agony eruptes from his mouth, prompting me to act swiftly. Without hesitating, I thrust my sword through his neck, seizing the opportunity without an ounce of waste.

Without sparing a second glance at the lifeless body sprawled on the floor, I brace myself as another soldier charged towards me. This one was larger and more formidable than the last, and I struggle to rebuff his powerful strikes with my sword. However, it soon became apparent that my efforts were in vain, as his sword was far superior and he effortlessly sent me reeling backward.

Desperately trying to maintain my balance and stand my ground, I found myself unable to match his speed. A sharp, searing pain erupted in my shoulder, causing me to wince. With a forceful yank, he withdrew his blade, forcing me to drop to my knees. At that moment, I knew my death was close, and felt a strange sense of acceptance. I would soon be reunited with Mavis and Rowan.

Just as I began to fully embrace my fate, a towering figure was thrown between me and the soldier, and I recognize it as Caspian. Despite his earlier shit talk, he was now coming to my rescue. Engaging the enemy for a fleeting moment, the soldier suddenly burst into flames before my eyes. It became evident that he had tapped into his elemental magic to aid me.

With his assistance, I manage to rise to my feet, grimacing at the pain radiating from my shoulder. "Thank you, that was pretty badass" I mutter, acknowledging his impressive act.

"Just try not to get yourself killed," he growls, though concern laced his voice.

We continue to fight and slice through our enemies, standing side by side. The knowledge that he has my back brings a sense of safety, but it also frustrates me that I can't do it alone. The heat in my shoulder burns intensely, like a raging fire, yet I push myself to keep going, pushing through the crowd of soldiers.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the Viena Army starts to retreat. I can't help but smile at Caspian, and he returns the gesture. We cheer in victory as we watch them flee, but our celebration is short-lived. The ground around us is littered with the lifeless bodies of soldiers from both sides. The scent of fresh blood fills the air, and the cries and moans of the surviving men echo in our ears.

"Take any of our people who are still alive to the infirmary at camp. Kill the rest," he orders a Lakespirian soldier nearby.

"What?" I ask in shock. "Why? The battle is over."

"We can't let our enemies live," he states simply, and I watch in horror as his sword descends, silencing a wounded soldier.

"They're injured! They're not a threat to us. Let's take them as prisoners instead," I plead. Killing in self-defense during battle is one thing, but slaughtering defenseless wounded soldiers is another.

"I don't expect you to understand, Kyla," I hear the annoyance in his voice. "But this is how things are done. Leave it be."

I desperately want to argue, but I remind myself that he's the king. Taking a deep breath, I turn around to find Celestia, hoping she hasn't followed her brother's example.

There were countless bodies scattered across the battlefield, both dead and injured, creating a chilling scene of devastation. Desperate to find Celestia amidst the chaos, I came across Orion and Eirian, the. Their battered forms spoke of the fierce struggle they had endured, yet they stood tall, their determination unbroken.

Breathing heavily, I approach them, a mixture of hope and dread in my voice. "Have either of you seen Celestia?" I asked, my voice trembling with worry.

Both Orion and Eirian exchanged worried glances before shaking their heads in response. "We have not," Orion replied, his voice thick with concern. "We were separated from her during the chaos of battle. We had hoped she would have found her way back to safety."

A wave of frustration washed over me, mingling with the anxiety that gnawed at my heart. "Damn it," I muttered to myself, my mind racing with thoughts of the worst possible scenarios. I couldn't bear the thought of Celestia lying wounded or worse, lifeless, among the fallen soldiers.

Driven by a desperate determination, I press on through the muddy battlefield, my feet sinking into the blood-soaked ground. The stench of iron filled the air, intensifying my unease. I scan the area, my eyes darting from one motionless form to another, until finally, my heart skips a beat.

There she was, a haunting sight, lying motionless in a pool of crimson red, surrounded by the fallen enemies she had bravely fought against. Panic surged through me as I rushed towards her, my thoughts consumed with fear and anguish.

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