Chapter 47- Cold Feet

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The upcoming weeks pass in a blur, and before we know it, Caspian and I are on the verge of marriage. However, amidst the excitement, a sense of unease settles within me, not because of the impending wedding, but due to the fact that my monthly cycles are alarmingly delayed. They are more than just fashionably late; they have become a cause for concern. To add to my worries, I have been experiencing bouts of sickness and random episodes of vomiting, often resorting to flower vases and chamber pots as my unfortunate targets. It is clear that I am carrying Caspian's child, and for now, only Sila and Celestia are privy to this secret.

"You have to inform my brother," Celestia insists. "Besides, you two will be married in just two days, and he will be overjoyed!"

"I'm not even certain about my own emotions, Cel... I'm terrified. I cannot bear the thought of losing another child," I confess, a shiver running down my spine.

"And you won't," she responds firmly.

"Your previous pregnancy and childbirth were exceptional," Sila interjects with optimism.

"But what if I'm not cut out to be a good mother?" I admit, my doubts surfacing.

"Nonsense!" Celestia exclaims. "I had the same worries. I used to revel in parties, engage in fights, and defy the rules, just like you. And now, my daughter and my husband are my entire world. I wish the same for you," she reassures me, gently squeezing my hand.

"I wish for that too." I say, my voice drifting off. "I will tell him when he visits my chambers tonight."

"Leave all the details to us," Sila says cheerfully. "We'll ensure that everything is flawless for your wedding. You just have to make an appearance and look stunning. And try not to ruin your beautiful gown by getting sick all over it."

"That might be a challenge," I playfully tease. "I still can't believe this is happening..."

"Well, when a man puts his co—" Sila starts.

"Thanks, Sila, but I'm already familiar with the mechanics. It's just hard to wrap my head around it," I interrupt.

"Remember, you've been a mother for over a year now. That didn't change when Mavis passed away. But now you have the opportunity to experience motherhood firsthand," Sila says tenderly. "You should be happy. You're about to marry a man you love, become a queen, and you're already carrying an heir."

"I know. I want to be happy. I really do," I reply. "Just give me some time to process it all first."

The day passes by swiftly, and before I know it, I find myself lying in bed, wearing my nightgown. The door creaks open slowly, and Caspian quietly enters the room.

"I hope I didn't wake you. I intended to come earlier, but the privy council kept me longer than expected tonight," he says, sitting on the bed beside me and gently kissing my lips.

"Caspian, there's something we need to discuss," I say, pulling away from his kiss and staring down at the bedsheets.

"What is it?" he asks, and I remain silent, unable to find the right words. He gently places his thumb under my chin and guides my gaze towards him. "Whatever it is, we can work through it together. Are you getting cold feet about marrying me?"

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out quickly.

His eyes widen with shock. "Are you certain?"


"Kyla, this is wonderful news! Why are you so upset about it? I won't let anyone harm our family," he says, wrapping his arms around me and planting a tender kiss on the top of my head.

I stay quiet, enveloped in his embrace, and we sit in silence for a long moment before he finally speaks. "I never thought I would desire a wife or children until I met you. You have changed me and my life for the better. And our baby will do the same. We will give them everything and more."

I nod and remain silent, eventually drifting off to sleep in his arms, my thoughts lingering on Mavis and how different my life would be if she had survived. Am I truly prepared to have another child and live with the constant fear of losing them?

The next day, as the sun begins to rise, I awaken to find Caspian missing from my side. Instantly, a wave of morning sickness washes over me, and I hurriedly make my way to the chamber pot, hoping to find some relief. I can't help but wish for this sickness to subside before my wedding day tomorrow.

Just as I finish emptying my stomach, Silva bursts into the room, clearly in a rush. I stand up and wipe my face with a cool handkerchief, trying to regain some composure. But Silva's concerned gaze tells me that I must still look quite ill.

"You don't look so good," she remarks, worry etched in her voice.

"It's the morning sickness," I gasp, still catching my breath.

Without hesitation, Silva hands me a leaf that looks rather unappealing. "Take this," she says. "It'll help alleviate your nausea and ensure you don't get sick again before your wedding."

I take the leaf from her, feeling a mix of skepticism and desperation. Surprisingly, as I chew on it, the nausea instantly subsides, bringing me a sense of relief I hadn't felt in days. I look at Silva in gratitude.

"Thank you," I say sincerely. "Now, what's the plan for today?"

With a beaming smile, Silva replies, "We have the final fitting for your dress, the cake approval, and one last dance lesson. Tomorrow, you'll be a married woman!"

Her excitement is contagious, and for a moment, I forget about the worries that have been weighing on me. But then, she mentions Kieran, and a shiver runs down my spine. Silva, unaware of the effect his name has on me, continues talking.

"My husband, Jasper, was much like Kieran," she confesses, her voice filled with bitterness. "He was mean, cruel, and showed more affection to his whores than he ever did to me. I was relieved when he passed away. Suddenly, I was free from the black eyes, the bruised ribs, and the torment of drinking that wretched tea to prevent a child from taking root in my womb."

I'm taken aback by Silva's revelation, not having known the extent of her suffering. As she helps me with my dress, I express my regret for not being there for her sooner.

"I had no idea," I say, shocked by her story. "I wish I had come back for you earlier."

But Silva waves off my concern, as if it's a trivial matter. "It's not a big deal," she dismisses. "I've learned how to handle men like that my whole life. My own father was one of them. Now, let's not dwell on the past. You look beautiful. Let's go prepare everything for your wedding tomorrow."

With hope in my heart and determination in my eyes, I embrace the unknown that tomorrow brings. I am ready to embark on this journey, to fulfill my destiny as a wife, a Queen, and a mother. Tomorrow, I step into my new roles with open arms, ready to make a difference and create a legacy that will endure for generations to come.

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