Chapter 12- A New Friend

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Upon our return from the Bray Council, King Caspian assigns me my quarters, a humble chamber just above the servants' quarters. It is furnished with a small bed, a fireplace, a desk, and a few writing tools. It isn't lavish by any means, but it is certainly better than being exposed to the snowstorm outside.

"If you are indeed who you claim to be, you wield an ancient and rare form of magic," Caspian states. "What knowledge do you have of it?"

"Unfortunately, my education in time magic was cut short when I was married off. My husband didn't exactly support, well, anything, Your Grace," I reply.

"We will ensure you receive the appropriate training in time magic," he declares, remaining expressionless but I can tell he is clenching his jaw just slightly.

"Your kindness is appreciated, Your Grace," I respond, maintaining utmost respect in my tone. I am well aware of his reputation as documented in our history books and know better than to cross him.

"My sister will soon arrive to sort out the specifics," he mentions nonchalantly, before turning on his heel and departing, leaving me alone in my new quarters.

I find myself alone, sequestered in my bedchamber, nestled within the confines of the small bed as my mind begins to wander. I allow myself to get lost in the maze of memories, each one more traumatic than the last.

I begin to reminisce about Rowan, the man whose love ignited a fire within me in the undercover sanctuary of our secret cave. The echoes of my infant daughter's first cry, the moment my eyes met hers, still ring fresh in my ears. Each memory is a dagger to my heart, making it bleed more profusely with every recollection. I clutch onto the Yevona, grateful for its presence as an anchor to reality, preventing me from getting swept away in endless time zones.

Just as I am on the brink of succumbing to the overwhelming torment of my memories, the door to my chamber bursts open abruptly. Startled, I spring from the bed, my heart pounding in my chest. It takes me a moment to recognize the woman standing in the doorway. She is the mirror image of her twin brother, her resemblance uncanny. Her hair, a snowy cascade, is longer than his but carries the same ethereal glow. Her facial features mirror his strength, etched with the same resilience.

I am struck by her eyes, one a deep blue like the ocean depths, the other a vibrant green, mirroring her twin brother's heterochromia. But what intrigues me the most is her attire. There is no royal regalia, no princess-like gown. Instead, she is clad in the armor of a warrior, ready for battle, as though she is a knight preparing for war.

"I am Celestia," she declares, her voice brimming with confidence. "I've heard that you specialize in the art of Time Magic."

"Yes, that is correct," I respond, bowing respectfully. "It is an honor to meet you, your highness."

She gazes at me for a moment, her stern expression softening, and bursts into laughter. "Enough with the bullshit. Despite my title, I am no princess."

"I apologize for assuming," I quickly interject, not knowing how to respond to her boldness but I immediately like her.

She raises her hand to stop me. "It's alright. You are not from our time, so you couldn't have known." She reaches into her bag and hands me a familiar-looking book titled 'TimeBound By Magic'. "This book contains everything we know about Time Magic, although it is not much."

I nod, noticing that the book's size remains the same as it was in my own time, three hundred years in the future. I wish I could recall when the last time traveler occurred.

"I also heard that you recently became a mother," Celestia remarks, interrupting my thoughts. She presents me with a small vial containing glowing blue liquid. "Drink this. It will instantly heal your body as if you never gave birth."

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