Chapter 50- A Deep Loss

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Hours pass, and still, there is no sign of the baby's arrival. Fear grips me, and the thought of dying in childbirth crosses my mind. Desperation consumes me as I cry and plead for Caspian and Greta to find him.

Sila, a comforting presence, reassures me, "You've been through this before with Caldor. This time is no different." Celestia, with a tender touch, wipes the sweat off my face using a cool rag.

But deep down, I know something is wrong. "No, he's stuck. I can feel it. He won't come out," I utter, my attempts to push proving futile.

In a flurry, Caspian bursts through the door, accompanied by Greta. "I'm here, my love. I am here," he declares, rushing to my side.

I muster the strength to inquire, "The castle? Did we lose it?" I struggle to sit up, only to fall weakly back onto the cot.

Caspian's focus is solely on me, as he takes Sila's place and clasps my hand tightly, his lips pressing against it. "That doesn't matter right now," he murmurs, his eyes locked with mine.

But I yearn for the truth, already sensing the answer. "No, tell me," I plead, searching his gaze.

His sigh weighs heavy with sorrow as he confesses, "Yes."

Before Caspian can say more, the doctor's voice interrupts our conversation. "Your Grace? May we speak?"

Giving me a small smile, Caspian rises from his seat and makes his way to the door, where the doctor awaits. Their hushed whispers reach my ears, and the news they share does not bode well. It seems like the baby is feet first and stuck.

"I don't care what it takes, save my wife!" Caspian's voice trembled with desperation.

The doctor's response was grim. "To achieve that, we'll have to resort to a drastic measure. We must break the child's legs to extract him safely, before he poses a threat to the mother."

Caspian let out a heavy sigh, his face etched with sorrow. "Do what you must."

My heart raced with panic, and I couldn't stay silent. "No!" I screamed, my voice filled with anguish. "No, you can't!"

Caspian rushed to my side, attempting to calm me amidst the chaos. "It's alright, my love. It's the only way."

"I'll never forgive you for this!" I yelled at him, my anger and despair intertwining. "Please, don't do this!"

Celestia and Sila joined me, their expressions mirroring the gravity of the situation. Another contraction gripped me, and as I prepared to push, Celestia held down one of my arms while Caspian gripped the other. The doctor's hand delved into me, causing excruciating pain. I screamed and wept, my heart shattering as I heard the sickening sound of bones breaking, and a lifeless body was extracted from within me.

"No, my baby," I sobbed, my arms instinctively reaching out for the still form. But the doctor handed the lifeless child to the midwife, and another surge of pain forced me to focus.

"There's another child!" The doctor exclaimed in shock. "This one is coming headfirst. Push, Your Grace!"

Summoning all my strength, I pushed with all my might, feeling my abdomen flatten, followed by the cry of a healthy baby.

"A healthy, beautiful baby girl," the doctor announced, gently placing her on my chest.

Caspian and I wept together as we embraced our precious daughter. Amidst the loss of one life, the arrival of another filled us with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I couldn't fathom that I had been carrying two babies all along.

The following hours are filled with heartbreak and agony, as the midwife assists me in delivering the afterbirth. Our daughter, Rosemary, named after my late mother, is healthy and thriving. However, we must prepare our baby boy, Evander, for his funeral once it is safe to leave the underground tunnels.

The days drag on endlessly, and our supplies are dwindling rapidly. One fateful night, we are all fast asleep when the piercing sound of screams jolts us awake. Caspian springs into action beside me, grasping his sword tightly.

"Take the children and hide in here," he urgently instructs me. "If things go awry, flee far away from here with them. Find a safe place in the future."

"No, I can't leave without you. Please, don't abandon us," I plead, careful not to disturb our slumbering children.

"I have to, my love. You mean everything to me," he whispers, planting a passionate kiss on my lips before dashing out of our room.

I wait anxiously, straining my ears to catch the cacophony of screams and cries echoing throughout. Suddenly, Celestia bursts into the room, clutching her children tightly. Her body is smeared with blood, but her little ones appear unharmed.

"We must leave immediately!" she exclaims, as I scoop up my own children and she grabs hold of my arms.

"No, we can't go without Caspian or Sila. We need to find them," I assert firmly.

"They're all dead!" she yells, frustration etched on her face. "Kyla, listen to me! They're all dead! If we stay, our children and we will suffer the same fate. We must leave now!"

I shut my eyes tightly, clutching my precious children, holding onto Celestia, and feeling the world around us disintegrate as we are propelled through time and space.

We awaken on the unforgiving ground outside Lakespire Castle, greeted by a sight vastly different from what we had grown accustomed to. Grateful that we landed on our backs, all four children cry but show no signs of physical harm.

"When are we?" Celestia asks, rising to her feet while soothing the youngest two. Elaria and Caldor appear to be unscathed, a rare moment of respite amidst the chaos. However, my heart remains burdened with the grief of losing my husband and all our dear friends. How can we possibly move forward from here? Thankfully, I find solace in knowing that my brother and his family will provide us with safety.

"We are in my time. It is the only place where we can find refuge," I explain to Celestia, my voice tinged with both determination and sorrow.

We set off towardsthe castle, each step filled with a mix of uncertainty and hope. The children, though shaken by the sudden upheaval, find solace in the fact that their aunt, uncle, and cousins await us. They hold tightly to their newfound resilience, reminding me of the strength we all possess deep within.

We arrive at my brother's doorstep. The joyous reunion washes away the weariness etched on our faces. Embraces are exchanged, tears are shed, and laughter fills the air. In their warm embrace, I find a glimmer of hope for our future.

Days turn into months as we settle into our new lives. My brother's family becomes our anchor, providing us with the love and support we desperately need. We find solace in the simple pleasures of everyday life – shared meals, laughter-filled conversations, and the comforting presence of family.

As time passes, the wounds of the past begin to heal. We honor the memory of our lost loved ones, cherishing the moments we shared and letting their spirits guide us forward. Together, we build a new life, one filled with resilience, love, and the unwavering belief that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. I will always love and miss Caspian and our friends but I will never forget them.

And so, we continue our journey, holding onto the lessons learned and the strength gained. We may never forget the pain and loss we endured, but we carry it with us as a testament to our resilience. With each passing day, we learn to live again, to find joy amidst the sorrow, and to embrace the beauty of life's unexpected twists and turns.

For in the end, it is not the circumstances we find ourselves in that define us, but rather how we choose to rise above them. And as we forge ahead, hand in hand, I know that no matter what lies ahead, we will face it with unwavering courage and the love that binds us together.

The End.

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