Chapter 40- Confessions

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Reintegrating into society proves to be a far greater challenge than I had ever anticipated. As I make my way through the halls, the servants' hushed whispers and curious glances follow me. Yet, I refuse to let their pity seep into my spirit, holding my head high with unwavering strength. Seeking solace, Sin leads me out of the suffocating infirmary and towards the tranquil gardens, where the promise of fresh air awaits. We deliberately bypass the South Gate, the very place where my abduction took place, not yet ready to confront those haunting memories.

Suddenly, a voice calls out from behind, causing my heart to skip a beat. I turn, only to find Caspian standing there, a familiar face that brings a sense of comfort. Relief washes over me as I realize it is not another threat, but someone I can trust.

I offer him a slight bow, a gesture of respect. "Your Grace. Yes, Sin has convinced me that it is time to reintegrate into society."

A warm smile graces Caspian's lips as he delicately takes my hand, pressing a gentle kiss upon it. "I am glad he did. May I have the honor of walking alongside you?"

"Of course, Your Grace," I reply, accepting his outstretched arm. Together, we begin our silent stroll, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air between us. Finally, Caspian breaks the silence, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"So, how are you truly faring?" he asks, his eyes searching mine for the honest answer.

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating my response. "I... I'm doing my best. At least, I'm trying to be. I have endured worse trials in my life, and now I must find the strength to move forward," I say, my gaze fixed ahead as if trying to convince myself of this truth more than anyone else. "You said something about going away for a while?"

"Yes," Caspian says, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I was wondering if you would like to travel to the future with me. Perhaps a thousand years into the future. It could be a thrilling adventure and the perfect distraction for you right now." We continue walking arm-in-arm through the enchanting gardens until I abruptly come to a halt.

"Caspian, there's something I need to share with you first. Something that Sin helped me realize," I say, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "When you and the others found me, I ran to you. In the moments when I refused to see anyone, I sought solace in your presence. I've come to realize that I have developed feelings for you, ever since the battle. However, I'm not ready to act on those feelings just yet, and it may take some time. But I believe you deserve to know the truth."

He gazes at me in silence for a few moments, his expression unreadable. I shift uncomfortably, the weight of uncertainty settling over me. "If you do not share the same sentiments, please tell me. I understand that you are involved with Nova, and it has been that way for quite some time."

"Nova? No, absolutely not," he says quickly, shaking his head. "She means nothing to me, she never has. My heart has held feelings for you since that very first night you and Celestia visited my chambers for dinner."

Surprised, my hand instinctively covers my mouth. "Why did you never speak up, then?" I inquire, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and astonishment.

He lets out a dry chuckle, his eyes filled with regret. "You had been through hell, my dear. You deserve far better than a king known for his ruthless actions and the slaughter."

"Slaughtering your enemies," I correct him gently, a note of understanding lacing my words.

"Not always," he admits, his gaze shifting away. "I have done things that I am not proud of."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I press further. "Like what?"

A flicker of pain crosses his features, and he averts his gaze. "Let's not dwell on it any longer. Someday, I promise I will share my past with you," he says, forcing a small smile and diverting the topic. "But for now, I have a gift for you."

"Is that a gift?" I inquire, raising an eyebrow at him. However, his smile widens, becoming genuine, and I allow him to take my hand and guide me away from the gardens towards the stable. Outside the barns, a stable boy stands, holding a magnificent black and white Appaloosa mare.

"She's all yours," Caspian announces as we approach, causing me to stop and stare at him in disbelief.

"Really? Are you certain?" I stammer, shocked by his unexpected gesture.

"Yes. I purchased her for you shortly after we rescued you. I knew she would uplift your spirits. She possesses the same fiery spirit as you," he jests, prompting me to envelop him in a tight embrace.

"Thank you, she is absolutely stunning," I reply, stepping forward to approach the mare, my hands gliding along her silky neck. Despite her fur being unkempt from the harsh winter, it feels as though it has been meticulously groomed for hours. She playfully nudges me with her head, eliciting a giggle as I stroke her nose.

"Do you have any names in mind?" Caspian inquires, gently patting the horse's neck.

"Prudence," I proudly declare.

"What an ugly name," he bursts into laughter.

"It is not!" I retort defensively. "It is a beautiful name for a magnificent horse."

"If you say so," he chuckles. "Shall we take a walk to dinner, and afterwards, go for a ride?"

"I cannot wait!" I exclaim, eagerly anticipating the adventure. We make our way back to the castle together and enter the dining hall. Caspian assumes his seat at the head of the table, while Sin and I sit on either side of him, facing each other. Nova takes a seat beside me, but I choose to ignore her, not wishing to confront her sour disposition until I have indulged in a few drinks. The servants begin serving a delectable feast consisting of bread, fruit, and a savory stew.

"How are you adjusting?" I inquire, directing my question towards Sila, who is seated across the table from Nova, next to Sin.

"Honestly? I am absolutely loving it here. I have always had a deep fascination with history, and now that I can actually experience it firsthand, it's beyond amazing," Sila responds, her vibrant blue eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I'm delighted to hear that. Your happiness means the world to me," I express, raising my glass towards her before taking a sip.

"I've been contemplating organizing a hunting expedition soon. I would love for all of you to join me," Caspian interjects, breaking off a piece of bread and dipping it into his stew.

As everyone enthusiastically agrees to join the hunting expedition, we continue to enjoy our meal, raising our glasses in celebration. However, in the midst of the merriment, I suddenly feel an overwhelming dizziness wash over me. My mouth becomes dry, and my muscles tense up beneath me. I can hear the rapid pounding of my heart in my chest, and a sense of panic begins to rise within me.

Desperately, I reach out to grab onto the table for support, but my balance betrays me, and I topple backward out of my chair, crashing onto the hard ground and throwing up all the food I just ate. My body convulses violently, an I have no control over my movements. The sounds of yells and screams from those around me become distant and garbled as everything fades to black.

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