Kyogre - Beast??? - Pokémon.

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Note, this was my very first submission on the Spacebattles website and got chewed and swallowed there, haha! But I learned from my mistakes and continued to make some great servants, at least in my case.


Class: Beast???.

True Name: Kyogre.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Original Series: Pokemon.

Lore: Kyogre is the mythical Pokémon of the Water, it was seen as Primordial God of the Oceans as in ancient times, Kyogre brought forth an endless storm that could potentially flood the very world that humans live on, but an extensive battle against the Primordial God of Land 'Groudon' Kyogre was formed to retreat into the endless oceans into a deep slumber to heal and rest, it was until the modern age where uts slumber was disturbed and awaken by a group known as Team Aqua. But before Kyogre could flood the world and defeat his long awaited foe, he was stopped by the Pokémon Champion Brendon and captured to be used by him. Averting Disaster that could lay waste to the world.

Summoning Relic: The Blue Orb.


Strength: C

Agility: B

Endurance: A.

Mana(Prana): A

Luck: E


Class Skills-

Authority of the Beast: A+ : Is a damage boost against Heroic Spirits, Divine Spirits, and all things born of "the Mother's Womb.", Kyoger doesn't possess an understanding of humanity as it's never cross most humans in its existence but only in times, when Kyoger does surface from the oceans floor, is only times to fight against another creature that is also viewed as a god to humans, The Creature named Groudon. As such, Kyoger gets a higher boost on creatures born on land and wields fire or ground aspected abilities.

Independent Manifestation: B: Skill that permits unsupported manifestation into reality, without necessity of energy cost or of summoning by a Master<br />

Kyogre is seen as the creature of the waters by many who saw Kyoger personally during its showdown against the Creature Groudon in Sootopolis City.<br />

So long as there is water nearby the master of Kyogre then the creature can manifest without the master's knowledge.

Personal Skills-

Divinity: C+: Kyoger may not have been a draconian god like Dialga and Palkia, two Pokémon that transcends out of the planet, The people of the Pokémon world views Kyoger as the natural god of the ocean as such, Kyogre gets its ranking since it was a seen as divine creature but it was technically human but a creature that controlled the oceans and the storm clouds above.

Oceanic Origins: EX: Kyogre is believed to have been created from the depths of the ocean especially when the earth was a water world until the birth of Groudon which caused the sun to increase in temperature which caused land to form from both the sun and volcanic eruptions which caused the first showdown between the Progenitor of Land and the Wrath of the Ocean, when Kyoger is located within water, Prana Management is one third of its original maintenance cost and all water based attacks is doubled in power within the water.

Water Empowered Attacks: A++ : Kyogre utilizes water attacks due to being a Pokemon and since the creature possess the Water Attribute, All Water Based Attacks gain an increase of power due the concept of STAB(Same Type Attribute Bonus)

Noble Phantasm(s)-

*Drizzle: Storm of the Wrathful Sea God[Sealed until Primal Reversion]

Rank: A++.

Type: Anti-World.

Ability: Kyogre was capable of passively conjuring an expanding thunderstorm cloud which causes a massive rainstorm onto the world, when first conjured the storm starts locally but so long as Kyogre is active in a battle then the storm continues to expand and grow until it covers the world.

This Noble Phantasm is incredibly powerful as it's been stated by Steven Stone, Champion of the Hoenn Region, That if the cloud continues to grow and expand that it could submerge the whole world into the oceans leaving no usable land of humans or land based Pokémon and essentially killing all life that needs land to survive.

When this storm cloud is active above Kyogre then Kyogre's water based attacks gain a passive boost in power and the lightning move named 'Thunder' becomes an assured hit.

*Primal Reversion: Kyogre's Primordial Form.

Rank: EX.

Type: Anti-Unit(Self)

Ability: This Noble Phantasm turns Kyogre into its true primordial form back before humans had evolved to what they are now, this gives Kyogre a new form which it first had until reawakening into the modern age.

Kyogre's form turns into a darker shade of blue while the lines on its body gain a brighter flowing color.

Kyogre unseals the drizzle Noble Phantasm while its primal form gives it a much greater enhancement in its physical parameters along with its water based abilities.

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