Gin Ichimaru - Assassin - Bleach

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"Mmmmmmmmmm! It's a pleasure to meet you master, I am Gin, The Assassin, Nothing is too good or bad for someone like me. Mmmmmmmmm"

Class: Assassin.

Qualifying Classes: Archer, Saber, Lancer.

True Name: Gin Ichimaru.

Alignment: Neutral Evil(Chaotic Good).

Original Series: Bleach.

Lore: Gin Ichimaru's Past is relatively unknown to many even to the one who he had attached to, Gin had known a woman named Rangiku Matsumoto at an unspecified point and has gotten along well with her though it's unknown just how far their friendship/relationship was, because Rangiku expressed regret after Gin's death at the end of the Winter Wars.

Anyway, Gin was a extremely gifted Shinigami who had passed the course at Shio'o Academy within only 1 year which only the most gifted of Shinigami and started working alongside Aizen who stayed faithfully even when Gin was a captain to his own squad until Gin's betrayal along with Sosuke Aizen and Kaname Tosen.

During the Winter Wars, Gin Betrays Aizen himself by unleashing his Bankai directly to his chest to retrieve the Hogyoku which was at point stolen from Rangiku but minutes later Aizen attempted to kill gin to get the orb back and has died shortly later when Ichigo Kurosaki appeared.

Summoning Relic: Gin's Broken/Rusted Sword.


Strength: D

Agility: A

Endurance: D

Mana(Prana): B

Luck: A


Class Skills-

"My Skills? Well I like to think I'm competent in my skill as an assassin but my ability is more geared to open field combat then in the shadows"

Presence Concealment: B(EX): is the capacity to hide one's presence as a Servant.

Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear and become extremely difficult to be detected. The rank of Presence Concealment drops considerably when preparing to attack.

Gin Ichimaru is more known for killing targets while exploiting numerous conditions but he is known to hide when necessary, Gin can hide in favorable locations if need to however This skill can boost up to EX whenever Gin enters any location first, he can remain hidden entirely regardless if he's in plane sight, only someone who says his name or Gin speaks will anyone except his master can acknowledge his presence.

Personal Skills-

"My Abilities in Shunpo isn't to be scoffed at, while I'm certainly not all that fast like my predecessor, Yoruichu, my speed is especially high even for a captain level soul reaper"

Shunpo: C: Gin Ichimaru's skill in Shunpo may not seem all that much but he's pretty fast for someone like him, he's seen to be as an average user of the skill, Gin utilizes Shunpo mostly for Transportation but he can utilize it quickly to deal slashes however the reason why he's not more capable in Shunpo is because he focused more on fighting with his Zanpakuto like most other soul reapers.

"They say my Tongue is dipped silver, hehe, why I'm so skilled into talking my way out of things is because I spent years cozying up to one man, every bridge I burned, every person I talked too, all led up for him to stab my sword directly into that bastards chest for what he did to Rangiku"

Dark Charisma of Wicked Wisdom: EX: is a Charisma associated with one who stands at the top of an evil organization rather than one who manages a nation.

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