Makima - Caster - Chainsaw Man

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Class: Caster

Qualifying Class(es): Assassin

True Name: Makima

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Original Series: Chainsaw Man


Makima is a high-ranking devil hunter and the Control Devil in the manga *Chainsaw Man* by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Feared for her manipulative nature and immense power, she seeks to create a world free of suffering by using any means necessary, including ruthless manipulation and control of others. Her abilities make her a formidable opponent, and she is both revered and feared in the world of devils and devil hunters.

Born from humanity's fear of control, Makima embodies the power to dominate others, bending their will to her own. Her existence revolves around the idea of bringing order through absolute control, often at the cost of personal freedom and morality. She has faced numerous powerful devils and always comes out victorious due to her cunning intellect and overwhelming abilities.

Summoning Relic: A fragment of Makima's chains or a piece of her clothing stained with blood.


-Strength: D

-Agility: B

-Endurance: B

-Mana (Prana): A

-Luck: C

-NP: A

Class Skills:

-Territory Creation (B): The ability to create a "workshop" that enhances her abilities and allows her to set traps and manipulate her surroundings. This workshop serves as a base of operations where her control is absolute, increasing the effectiveness of her abilities within its bounds.

-Item Construction (C): Capable of creating items related to control and manipulation, such as chains or sigils to bind others. These items are imbued with her power, making them difficult to resist or break free from.

Personal Skills:

-Charisma (A): Makima's presence commands absolute loyalty and obedience from others, enhancing her leadership capabilities. Her charisma is so potent that it can even sway other Heroic Spirits to follow her commands, albeit temporarily.

-High-Speed Incantation (B): Allows her to cast spells at high speeds, giving her a significant advantage in battle. This skill reduces the casting time of her spells, making her a formidable opponent in any combat scenario.

-Mind Control (A): Grants her the ability to control the minds and actions of others, though the degree of control depends on the target's resistance. She can issue commands that her targets are compelled to follow, from simple instructions to complex tasks, and even force them to act against their will.

-Presence Concealment (C): While not as adept as a true Assassin, Makima can hide her presence to an extent, making it difficult for enemies to detect her. This skill allows her to approach her targets unnoticed, increasing her effectiveness in surprise attacks and espionage.

Noble Phantasm(s):

-Name: Domination of the Control Devil

-Rank: A

-Type: Anti-Unit

-Ability: This Noble Phantasm allows Makima to invoke her control over others to an extreme degree. By using a specified ritual that includes calling out the target's name and a gesture, she can enforce her will on a target regardless of their resistance. This control extends to making them perform complex tasks or even self-destructive actions. The range and effectiveness depend on the amount of mana she expends and the target's magical resistance. The target feels an overwhelming compulsion to obey Makima's commands, making resistance nearly impossible.

-Name: Chains of Command

-Rank: A

-Type: Anti-Army

-Ability: Makima manifests her chains, which can bind multiple targets simultaneously. These chains not only restrict movement but also drain the target's mana, transferring it to Makima. The chains are nearly unbreakable, making escape almost impossible once ensnared. This Noble Phantasm is particularly effective against groups, neutralizing threats en masse. The chains can extend over a wide area, targeting multiple enemies at once, and can adapt to the strength and resistance of the captured foes.

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