Chapter 22

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"You never told me about your aunt and cousin, I mean weren't they supposed to stay for the weekend?" she asked suddenly.

I just stared at her stunned, why is she asking about them? Has Ethan told her what happened at the dinner?

"Andrew had some urgent work so he and my aunt left immediately after dinner" I lied, trying to hide my frustration.

"That's really bad, I didn't get the chance to say goodbye" she said in a mocking tone and went back to scrolling through her phone.

"I thought you hated my aunt" I stated and she looked up, keeping her phone aside, she stood up from that damned couch she always occupies and made her way towards me.

I stood there in the middle of the room waiting for her to open her mouth.

"I'll be honest, I don't know her well enough to hate her but I don't exactly like her so you can do the math here" she replied confidently.

"And since we've finally got the time to do a little chit chat, I wanted to tell you that I'm going back to work" her breath became a little shaky towards the end but she stood her ground firmly.

Right now, at this moment I could see a rage burning inside her which made her eyes look mesmerizing, she glared at me like she hated my guts but was trying to keep herself from doing any harm to me, don't get me wrong, I'm sure others would get scared from her death stare but it was having the opposite effect on me.

I just stared at her in amusement at which she seems to have taken offence.

"Do you find my suffering amusing?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest and I shook my head no.

"Well then, say something" she complained.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked a little mischievously and saw her roll her eyes at me.

"That you're okay with me going back to work"

"I thought you didn't let others boss you around or dictate your life" I said matter of factly and that was it, she was fuming with anger now.

"You're a real jerk you know but I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of seeing me get angry and waste my energy on people like you... I'll be going back to work from next week and this time you won't stop me!" she exclaimed and then stormed out of our room.

Did I just say our room?

Shaking out the thought of her mesmerizing eyes from my mind I came back to reality, what was I thinking?

I'm supposed to hate her, we should get divorced as soon as possible but here I am messing around with her like we're an actual couple or something.

I don't know what's stopping me from telling her about what happened at the dinner, it's nothing she doesn't already know, she knows why and how she married me, she knows my aunt hates her but she doesn't know that dad has given us the permission to get divorced as soon as possible and I don't know if I'm ready to tell her about it, she did tell me one of the many reasons why she wants our marriage to last atleast six months is because she doesn't want to see her mother disappointed, she thinks her mother is proud of her and she wants to keep it like that, given the circumstances of her mother and the state she is in after losing both her husband and mother, I don't think it would be wise to break the news of my and Amber's divorce to her right now, it might trigger her and since she's the wife of my father's best friend whom he loved so much, I think I can tolerate Amber for six months, I can do it for my father after everything he has done for me.

It wasn't long before she came back with yet another book in her hand and this time I was the one rolling my eyes at her.

"People like you who are business minded would never understand the importance of literature" she said after seeing my reaction and sat down with her copy of Stoker's Dracula.

"Tell me something will you?"


"Is Count Dracula an ideal man in your eyes?" I asked trying to keep a straight face.

"Are you out of your mind? In what world does a bloodsucking vampire look like an ideal man to you?" she asked in disbelief, she's taking this seriously.

I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress my smile.

"Given the personality that you have, I thought you'd find him to be an ideal match for you"

She was full on scowling at me now and I was enjoying it.

"Your miserable attempt at sounding funny has failed, please try again after sometime" she said glowering at me.

"Also, I think you and Count Dracula are quite similar personality wise, both of you love to control others and since I don't like you, I wouldn't like him either" she added before throwing herself on the couch.

"Don't forget how in love he was with his-" my phone started going off and I had to save my reply to her for later, I needed to take this call first.

"Excuse me" I walked out of the room leaving her alone with her novel and answered the phone immediately, it was Ethan.

"Hello brother" he greeted first.

"Hey, how's everything going?" I asked casually, I wanted to ask him so many questions but I was trying to play safe here, he hasn't talked with me or dad since that dreadful dinner and I wanted to know what's exactly going on in his mind.

"I wanted to meet you, we need to talk" he said in a low voice making me even more anxious.

"Sure, when do yo-" he didn't even let me finish.

"Now, let's meet now if that's okay with you" he suggested and I agreed.

We decided to meet at his place since he wanted to discuss something about Amber and me, and he didn't want her to know about this.

All this suspense was making me so anxious, thoughts of Ethan telling Amber about the dinner and how dad has suggested for me and Amber to get divorced ran through my mind, and I don't know but for some reason it didn't feel good.

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