Chapter 4 - Minji's POV: It's So Serious

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Oh, God, what am I doing? The question echoed in my mind, a relentless reminder of the boundary I was treading upon. This was so wrong, so utterly inappropriate, and yet... she was so irresistible in her uniqueness. My rational self screamed at me to maintain distance, to keep my role as an educator separate from whatever strange magnetism she seemed to possess. But the undeniable pull was undeniable, a force that defied logic.

I sat at my desk, my attention divided between the lesson materials and the window that framed the courtyard. I had been engrossed in preparing for the next class, but my gaze kept straying, as if drawn by an invisible thread that connected me to her. Each time I looked away, I found myself looking back, my curiosity warring with my better judgment.

And then, she turned around, her eyes meeting mine through the window. It was a moment frozen in time, a connection that held more weight than the mere locking of gazes. Her presence was a whirlwind of contradictions – vulnerability and strength, defiance and curiosity. It was as if she invited me to step beyond the boundaries I had set for myself, into a world where rules were blurred and connections were inexplicable.

My heart raced as I watched her wheel towards the window, the sound of her heelies against the concrete reverberating in the otherwise quiet room. The pull was magnetic, irresistible, a force that overpowered my rational thoughts. This was dangerous territory, a path that led to complications I couldn't afford, but still, I found myself unable to look away.

Our eyes met once more, the connection unbroken as she drew closer. There was a shared understanding in that gaze, an acknowledgment of the unspoken tension that crackled in the air between us. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, a thread that connected us despite the chasm of roles and responsibilities that separated us.

And then, her hand pressed against the glass, her fingers just inches from mine. It was an invitation, a challenge, a gesture that sent a jolt of electricity through my veins. The glass pane that separated us felt like a fragile barrier, a boundary that I had the power to breach with a single touch.

My hand moved of its own accord, mirroring her gesture as my fingertips brushed against the cold glass. It was a moment of vulnerability, a step towards the unknown. My gaze held hers, a silent communication that spoke volumes beyond words.

Oh, God, this was so wrong, and yet in this moment, it felt like the most right thing in the world. The weight of my job, my responsibilities, pressed upon me, a reminder of the consequences that could arise from this connection. But as I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a possibility that defied the rules, a connection that transcended the confines of the ordinary.

As the song of her presence played in my mind, our hands remained pressed against the glass, a bridge between two worlds that should have remained separate. In that moment, it was as if the boundaries that had defined us were nothing more than illusions, and the possibility of something more lingered in the air like a whispered promise.

I couldn't stay in that classroom any longer. The weight of the connection, the tension between us, was becoming too much to bear. Without a word, I abruptly left the room, my steps hurried and my heart pounding. The corridors blurred as I walked faster than I ever had before, turning corners with a sense of urgency that was unfamiliar to me.

I reached the courtyard, the open space a refuge from the confined walls that had held the weight of my confusion and desires. My heart still raced, my breath quickened by a combination of exhilaration and anxiety. As I approached her, her gaze turned towards me, the curiosity and intensity in her eyes undiminished.

"Are you a pervert?" Her words were unexpected, a jolt that caught me off guard. My brows furrowed in confusion as I struggled to process her question.

"No," I replied sternly, my voice carrying a mixture of surprise and defense.

She nodded, her demeanor unapologetic. With a sudden movement, she took off her headphones and held them out towards me. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of her intentions, before I reached out and took them. As I put them on, the music playing in my ears seemed to heighten the intensity of the moment.

I looked at her, my gaze meeting hers in a silent exchange. She examined my face, her eyes darting across my features as if searching for something. The sun beat down on us, casting a warm glow over everything, yet I couldn't help but feel a nervous sweat forming under her scrutiny. Why did I always have to wear black? The thought flitted through my mind in a moment of self-consciousness.

I took off the headphones, the need to speak finally outweighing the swirling thoughts in my mind. "You failed the quiz," I said, my voice holding a mix of frankness and something else.

The corner of her lips turned upward, a sly smile that sent a jolt through me. "6 out of 15," I continued, my words punctuated by a sense of both caution and honesty.

"Should you be telling me this?" Her question was a valid one, a reminder of the boundaries that existed between teacher and student.

I shook my head, acknowledging the truth of her words. "No, I shouldn't." The admission hung in the air between us, a sign of the uncharted territory we were navigating.

A silence settled over us, the weight of the moment palpable. And then, my gaze met hers once more as I held out the headphones. "You can change your grade," I offered, a gesture that felt like a bridge towards something new.

Her eyes studied me, a mixture of curiosity and calculation. "How?" She asked, her words carrying a blend of skepticism and interest.

I handed her the headphones, our fingers brushing in the exchange.

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