Chapter 44 - Minji's POV: A Starry Encounter

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The past seven days had carried me through a whirlwind of emotions since the day I met Haerin's mother. It had been a little over two months since the second year of senior high started for Haerin, and weeks had passed since that unforgettable first kiss. Time had transformed into a precious currency, something I'd learned to cherish, much like Haerin herself.

Outside, the world had shifted its attire to match the impending arrival of autumn. The weather had cast its enchantment across the landscape, painting the world in shades of fiery reds, golden yellows, and rustic browns. The leaves, vibrant and crisp, lay scattered beneath my boots as I made my way through the school campus. There was a certain poetry to the way they crunched underfoot, a reminder that change was constant and beautiful in its own right.

And as the season teetered on the cusp of summer leaning into fall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Soon it'd be winter, which was my favorite season, a time of introspection and tranquility, and it was fast approaching.

Within the school, life was settling into a rhythm. The students were gradually finding their footing, and we, the teachers, were beginning to relax as the school break loomed on the horizon. It was in this calm that I found myself spending more and more time within the confines of my classroom.

The days when the school was hushed, locked up, and devoid of the hustle and bustle were the moments I cherished the most. Luna, my loyal four-legged companion with her pristine white fur, was a constant presence by my side. Today was no exception, and as I unlocked the classroom door, Luna ventured off into the empty halls, her tail wagging in unabated joy.

With a sigh of familiarity, I settled into my chair. The scent of the school, a blend of aged books, the soft rustle of paper, and the faint echoes of countless memories, enveloped me. It felt like home. I opened a book, its pages whispering secrets, and allowed myself to be transported to another world.

In these quiet hours, I couldn't deny the reality of my social life, or the lack thereof. I had to admit, I wasn't the most sociable person. People, in general, didn't hold much allure for me. There was, however, one exception that defied all my expectations and reservations—Haerin.

A smile, soft and private, graced my lips as I thought of her. Haerin was a conundrum, an enigmatic force that could test my patience in the most extraordinary ways. Our journey together had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but in this serene classroom, surrounded by the scent of books and Luna's reassuring presence, I knew without a doubt that she was the exception to my rule. Haerin was my odd, captivating girlfriend, and despite all her quirks, I couldn't imagine a life without her.

I let out a contented sigh as I stretched my legs and propped them up on my desk, crossing them casually. The book in front of me was a portal to another world, and I was happily lost within its pages. The classroom around me seemed to fade away, leaving only the story's vivid landscapes and intriguing characters.

My moment of literary bliss was interrupted by the familiar ping of my phone. A smile tugged at my lips as I reached for it, knowing exactly who the message was from. Haerin. Her name on the screen was like a warm embrace in this otherwise solitary environment.

"I'm bored, open the door," her message read. I couldn't help but chuckle softly to myself. It was a message that spoke volumes about our connection and the unique bond we shared. With a few taps of my fingers, I replied, "I'm not at home right now, Haerin."

Her quick response was both expected and intriguing. "I know," it read. My brows knitted together in curiosity, my mind racing to decipher how she had managed to track me down once again. Haerin always had a way of showing up wherever I happened to be.

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