Chapter 19 - Minji's POV: Not Just A Freak

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I stood there, watching the chaotic scene unfold before my eyes. Claire was on the ground, unconscious and vulnerable. I could see the cameras capturing every moment of the altercation. The murmurs of the students around me grew louder, and I knew this would become the topic of discussion for days to come.

My heart was heavy as I processed what had just happened. Only a short while ago, Haerin had been full of energy and mischievous smiles. But now, her demeanor had shifted drastically. There was a cold determination in her eyes, an intensity that I hadn't seen before.

I wished I could hear the words exchanged, understand the context of the situation. But even without the sound, I could piece together the power dynamic at play. Haerin had confronted Claire, and the confrontation had turned physical.

As the ambulance arrived and the paramedics tended to Claire, I couldn't shake off my worries. I've seen Haerin's impulsive side, her defiance against conformity, and now this. There was something about her that defied simple categorization.

The video of the incident was circulating among the students. I couldn't help but fear the consequences of this event. It was a dangerous cocktail of emotions, and I knew the authorities might get involved if things spiraled further.

In all of this, I found myself wrestling with my own feelings. Haerin was enigmatic, frustrating, and utterly captivating. There was a magnetic pull towards her that I couldn't explain. But with the events of today, that pull felt even stronger.

I sighed, my mind filled with questions and uncertainty. Haerin was a puzzle, a complex enigma that I was trying to unravel. I knew I needed to talk to her, to understand her perspective and make sure she was okay.

Pulling out my phone, I saw a text from her: "Hey, you around?" My heart skipped a beat. I quickly replied, "Yes, I'm at the school. Are you okay?"

As I waited for her response, I realized that this was just the beginning. Haerin's actions had set off a chain of events that would leave a lasting impact on all of us. And somehow, I was entangled in her story, whether I liked it or not.

I leaned against the wall, my eyes scanning the surroundings as I waited for Haerin's reply. The school was quieter now, the chaos of the earlier incident having subsided. My thoughts were a jumble of concern, curiosity, and a hint of frustration at not being able to fully understand Haerin's motivations.

Finally, my phone buzzed with her response: "Yeah, I'm outside near the front entrance. Mind coming?"

I pocketed my phone and made my way towards the front entrance. The cool breeze hit my face as I stepped outside, and I spotted Haerin sitting on a bench. She looked up as I approached, her expression a mix of nonchalance and something deeper that I couldn't quite decipher.

"Hey," she greeted, patting the spot beside her on the bench. I sat down, studying her features. There were bruises on her knuckles, and her eyes held a distant look, as if she was processing something.

"Hey," I replied, my voice soft. "Are you okay?"

She shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "I've been through worse," she said, her tone a mixture of defiance and self-assuredness.

I hesitated, unsure of how to broach the subject. "What happened back there, Haerin?"

She let out a sigh, her gaze focused on her hands. "Claire needed a reality check. She's been watching too much from the sidelines, thinking she can control everything."

I nodded, understanding that there was more to this than met the eye. "It's just... things got out of hand," I said cautiously.

Haerin looked at me, her gaze piercing. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. People like her need a wake-up call."

"Haerin, I comprehend that Claire's behavior is insufferable, but what in the world was that?" I inquire, my tone formal and tinged with a mix of frustration and genuine concern. She seemed to have a peculiar expression in her eyes, something I couldn't quite place.

"It's happening again," I hear her mutter softly and swiftly, almost as if she's trying to keep her words hidden. My concern heightens as I consider the implications of her statement. "What if she had suffered serious harm? I could practically hear the impact of her face hitting the concrete," I express, my frustration growing as genuine worry takes over. My gaze is firmly fixed on her.

Her head turns in my direction, and she speaks in her usual, informal manner, "You saw it?" Her words carry a blend of surprise and vulnerability.

"Yes, I bore witness to the entire incident! It's our responsibility to maintain vigilance when there's a gathering of unruly teenagers in the parking lot. You're well aware of that," I state firmly, maintaining my formal tone. I notice her visibly shaken state, a look of petrification on her face.

She shifts her gaze downward to her lap, where she begins to pick at her fingers until they start to bleed. Without hesitation, I extend my hand to stop her, my expression concerned. "You're bleeding," I state simply, my tone adopting a more comforting quality as I attempt to address her physical discomfort.

Haerin closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, a response I've encountered before in similar situations. "Haerin, acknowledge the fact that you fought with Claire. It's essential for your peace of mind," I offer words of guidance, my tone softer and more understanding.

Despite my reassurances, she continues to tremble, her anxiety palpable. I decide to take a more proactive approach, gently grasping her small, soft hands in mine. "There's nothing you can do to change the past. Focus on remaining calm and on me," I advise, my tone now soothing and encouraging.

Her unique, cat-like eyes fill with tears, her vulnerability on full display. "I'm a freak," she admits, her voice wavering as it cracks under the weight of her emotions. I maintain my gentle grip on her hands and offer a reassuring smile, "You're not a freak, Haerin. You're simply grappling with a challenging situation, and it's completely okay to feel overwhelmed."

As I continue to hold her hands and provide a reassuring presence, I hope that my efforts can offer her some comfort amidst the turmoil she's experiencing.

I pat her thigh gently, my tone comforting, "Come on, I'll assist you with your hands." My gaze avoids the sight of the blood, as it tends to make me queasy. She nods in response, and we proceed to walk together. She wasn't using her usual gliding technique; it's clear she needed some support. With a sigh, I guide her into the empty infirmary.

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