Chapter 26 - Minji's POV: Pound The Alarm

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I sat down for dinner in my spacious, solitary apartment, my only companion Luna wandering somewhere in the house. Letting out a weary sigh, I rubbed my forehead with my free hand, grappling with the recent developments that seemed to be disrupting my usually orderly life.

Earlier this afternoon, an email from another member of the staff had landed in my inbox. It outlined a reported fight that had taken place in the courtyard. Naturally, it fell within my realm of responsibility to investigate such incidents, which means I'll have to review any available camera footage tomorrow. Just another day in my role as an enforcer of discipline.

My phone's vibrations drew my attention away from my thoughts. I checked the screen to find a message from Haerin. It displayed a photo of her dinner, and I raised an eyebrow at the peculiar content. "Why are you sending me this?" I typed back, a hint of confusion evident in my words.

In response, I received a simple happy emoji. I leaned back, puzzled by her cryptic response. Not a moment later, another text popped up on my screen.

The second text contained another photo, this time of her sitting on a bench, seemingly outdoors. I frowned, trying to understand the purpose behind these random images. I typed out a response, my fingers tapping on the screen with a sense of formality.

"Haerin, is there a reason you're sending me these pictures?" I questioned, hoping for a clearer explanation. A few moments later, her reply appeared, and I read it with a mixture of surprise and mild amusement.

"Thought you might want to know what I'm up to," she texted, along with another happy emoji. I shook my head, finding her nonchalant attitude perplexing yet oddly endearing.

"I appreciate the updates, but keep in mind that I have matters to attend to," I responded, a subtle reminder of our professional dynamic. She quickly shot back, her words dripping with playfulness.

"Of course, Professor Minji. Wouldn't want to disappoint," she quipped, followed by a winking emoji. I sighed, a faint smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Good night, Haerin," I sent my final message for the night, locking my phone and setting it aside. It seemed that Haerin's enigmatic behavior continued, leaving me both intrigued and slightly off-kilter. With that thought in mind, I finished my dinner and tidied up, preparing myself for another day of challenges that teaching and managing unruly students would undoubtedly bring.

The next day arrived with its usual routine. I headed to school, my mind occupied by the events of the previous day, particularly Haerin's peculiar behavior. As I entered the building, I greeted a few colleagues and made my way to my office. There, I sifted through emails and reviewed my lesson plans for the day.

During my morning classes, I tried to focus on teaching, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the mysterious messages from Haerin. I wondered if there was a hidden meaning behind her actions or if she was simply trying to provoke a reaction from me.

After the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I headed to the courtyard where the fight had taken place. The security team had already reviewed the footage, and I watched as they explained the situation to me. It seemed to be a typical teenage squabble, nothing out of the ordinary.

As I left the courtyard and walked back to my office, my phone buzzed once again. It was a message from Haerin, this time accompanied by a photo of a cute cat sitting in a sunbeam. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at the randomness of it. I responded, my tone still formal but with a hint of curiosity.

"Is this your way of sharing your love for cats with the world?" I typed, adding a playful smiley face. Her response came quickly.

"Perhaps, but you're the only one getting the VIP cat updates," she replied, followed by a cheeky tongue-out emoji. I rolled my eyes, amused by her antics.

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