Greatest Desire

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Dahyun found a blank book. Whatever she write in it becomes true. Except for a certain wish.

And that is, for her first and only crush to like her back.


Dahyun is a well-known, highschool student for being an energetic type at their academy. She's very kind and polite to all the people she met and will meet.

Although Dahyun can be such a hyperactive person, she also loves the peace. It's something she rarely get as she's always busy with school.

They just got dismissed from their class. Dahyun couldn't help but rejoice inside as she walk towards the school's gates.

"Finally it's over," the girl thought to herself.

But once she came close to the gates, she was halted by the guard.

"Sorry kid. No students leaving until it's 12:30." He said with a stern look.

"But it's already 12:25! Only 5 minutes left!"

Yet even if Dahyun scream as loud as she could inside her mind, she knew she couldn't do anything but wait.

But then, something caught her eye.

It was a book with nothing but a picture of a red haired goddess on the cover. "God Jihyo" was written beside her image. Dahyun guessed it was her name.

She wasn't the type to snoop around things without permission. But since no one else is around, except for the guard, she decided to open it up to see if there's any name written on it.

There was none.

A title page was revealed to her. With texts saying:

W.T.F. your wishes

"What the fuck your wishes?" She didn't want to curse but that's all the meaning of the acronym she know thanks to her vulgar-speaking classmates.

And then suddenly, as if by magic, words began to appear on the page.

It's "Write To Fulfill" your wishes, idiot.

"It can write within itself?! Most importantly, it can understand me?!" Dahyun began to feel tensed. What if this is a cursed book? What if the former owner of this book will haunt her? And what if she'll have nightmares because of this?

Stop panicking. You sound like you watch too much horror films.

The, err... book, deadpanned.

"Seriously, who really are you?!" Dahyun accidentally said out loud causing the other students, who was about to go out the gate, to look at her as if she grew another head.

"Hey, Ms. Kim! Stop talking to yourself. You look crazy." One of the strict teachers scolded her.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Lee!" The teacher ignored her and continued guiding his elementary students outside the gate.

"Geez, what should I do with this book?"

Again, the book replied by magically making texts appear on the title page.

SaiDa Oneshots (Sana x Dahyun) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now