Just the Girl

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Dahyun had known Sana since middle school because she was the most outgoing and friendly student she had ever met. This made her adore and later like the girl. Until they reached high school, when Sana abruptly began bullying her for no apparent reason... or so she thought.

Popular Bully Sana x Nerd Dahyun

Popular Bully Sana x Nerd Dahyun

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The only word Dahyun could repeat in her mind as she walks home late at night in the streets. Her whole figure is fully soaked in water, which made her clothes hug her body tight. Worse, the chilly 10°C air temperature at night is causing her to shiver uncontrollably.

She sneezed hard before falling down on her knees, wrapping her arms around herself to warm her body up even for just a little. But her efforts were to no avail for she could still feel the coldness against her skin.

Dahyun prayed to the God up there to help her at least make her way back home alive and safely, even if it means she'd have to crawl until she reaches their humble abode.

Lights from the neighborhood she was in were already dim and out. Only the luminescence of the street lights shines Dahyun's way towards their house. Which really wasn't helping much due to her poor eyesight. The glasses she always wear to help with her blurry vision is now gone.

What happened, you may ask? It all started earlier at the pool party for the middle school classmates' reunion...


"I'm so glad you're able to come, Dahyun!" Nayeon, one of Dahyun's classmate since middle school, greeted her enthusiastically with a hug and a huge grin plastered on her face.

"I hope I'm not too late, Nayeon! I really have to sneak my way out of our house just to get here." Dahyun awkwardly chuckled as she told her classmate the truth.

Dahyun is indeed the type of person you wouldn't often seen at parties for she'd rather stay in her room and enjoy the peace. No loud music coming through any speakers, no loud noises of teenagers gossiping and cheering 'bottom's up!' using a fruit punch mocktail, because of age restriction reasons, anywhere.

But because this was a reunion for students who were classmates since middle school, the girl couldn't fight the urge to not attend. After all, the one who invited her, who's also the host of the party, was a close friend of hers.

Still, Dahyun had no intentions of partying, drinking, taking a dip on the pool, nor even socializing, with the exception of those who she knows. The young girl was simply there to reunite with her old pals.

Although, there was one person she had in mind when the words 'middle school reunion' was brought to her entire system - Minatozaki Sana.

Sana was the most extroverted girl she met back when they were still in middle school. She's a foreigner from Japan who's highly intelligent in their language. Some are even in disbelief that she's actually not from Korea.

SaiDa Oneshots (Sana x Dahyun) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now