Drunk Confession

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SAIDA AU: They said you will know your friends' colours once you travel together. Well, their friend group cancelled their flight ticket at the last minute. Rich people things, right?

Now, it's the two of them left. Even worse, one of them recently drunk confessed and forgot it.


"What do you mean by 'we cancelled our flight tickets'?! We've all been prepared for this already! Sana-unnie and I are already at the airport, for fuck's sake, Chaeyoung!"

Dahyun's frustrated voice can be heard by the other passengers throughout the airport where they're in. Some of them started walking away near the girl, afraid of what could possibly happen.

Through the phone, her friend's fear for her well-being has increased. It's not often that you see Dahyun this angry. But if she is, then one thing you should do is run for your life.

"I'm really sorry, Dahyun! Mina-unnie and I were supposed to be on our way towards the airport, but a family dinner of ours came up. And you know if she can't go then I can't too, right?" Was Chaeyoung's response.

Dahyun groaned at the excuse given to her. She knows how well the Son's and Myoui's family get along, especially when their only daughters had started dating just this month.

"They'd really cancel an expensive flight ticket for a family dinner. Damn you, rich people." The girl mentally told her self, facepalming in complete annoyance towards her friend on the other line.

Hearing no response from her friend, Chaeyoung stated, in addition to her last words. "Just use those tickets with Sana-unnie. The rest might also be on their way and you could go with them instead. We'll make it up to you once you've all went back to South Korea!"

Dahyun sighed in defeat. Her frustration and annoyance towards her friend wouldn't really do such thing. For them, family dinners is just as important as money to other people in this world.

"Alright, fine. But don't show your face to me soon or I'll beat your ass up." Dahyun warned, making her friend get the chills.

Shakily, Chaeyoung bid her goodbye. "S-sure! Have a safe flight!"

Dahyun turned off her phone as soon as the call ended. She turned her direction towards where Sana is seated, approaching her to receive any news about the rest of their friends.

"So... Will they arrive?" The younger girl questioned, her mind pleading that the person in front of her would say yes.

Sana's gaze turned upwards, facing Dahyun with a look of dismay.

"Unfortunately, not. Nayeon-unnie, Jeongyeon-unnie, and Jihyo all had really bad hangovers from yesterday night so they cancelled their tickets. I told them not to drink too much because it'll be the day of our flight the next day. And now look what happened." A sigh came afterwards her response. It was obvious that she's also done with their friend group.

"Jesus- what about Momo-unnie and Tzuyu?" Dahyun wondered, hoping that there will be a difference for the two mentioned people.

But her face fell when Sana shook her head, "Momo and Tzuyu's at the hospital today."

"Wait- what?! What happened?!" Dahyun exclaimed in disbelief.

SaiDa Oneshots (Sana x Dahyun) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now