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A SaiDa AU wherein Sana found a box of old photographs of a couple from the 1900's.

She brought it home to show to her wife and she somehow found themselves in the couple at the photo.


Droplets of rain poured down slowly onto the concrete floor of the city of Seoul. It's raining, but for Minatozaki Sana, it was a pleasant sight to see.

Opening her transparent umbrella, she stepped outside of the building where she's currently working at, sheltering herself from the rain. As much as she loves it, it hasn't crossed her mind to let herself feel them drip through her clothes nor her skin.

The streets were busy and it seems like the crowd around her were on the same state as she is— going home after a long day at work.

Sure, it might be a fulfilling job for Sana, especially since she gets to work with ecstatic people around her, but that doesn't mean she would chose to stay for long in the office rather than going home to her wife's arms.

Yes, wife.

Despite looking like a young, model-like figure who seems like she doesn't have time for a committed relationship, she's been faithfully married to her wife for nearly four years now.

And that wife is Kim Dahyun.

Jagiya ❤️ calling...

"Ari-yah! It's past 6pm already. Are you headed home now?" Sana smiled hearing her wife's soft voice as soon as she picked up her call.

"I still can't get used to how you call me with an endearment with the same name as your dog." Her response earned a giggle from the other line.

"You two are my beloved, okay? Don't get too jealous. I love you two the same but I love him as a child and I love you as my other half." Sana playfully rolled her eyes despite the fact that Dahyun can't see it. "Anyways, you haven't answered my question yet."

Sana left out a small chuckle. She was just joking about the whole endearment thing. But up until this day, it warms her heart still that Dahyun always reassures her whether she's serious of her jealousy or not.

The woman was always there by her side to fix her broken heart caused by her pathetic ex-boyfriend from college. That, despite crushing on Sana from afar, Dahyun never force herself with the latter and respected her decision to heal herself first before entering another relationship— with the Korean that time around.

"I'm on my way home, jagi." The Japanese answered, her lips curving up into a smile.

"To me?"

"To you."


Before going home, Sana decided to stop by the shop where she usually buy flowers for her wife ever since they were still in college.

Well, actually, Dahyun was the first one to do so. Ever since Sana gave her the go-signal to court her, the Korean gave all her best shot to the Japanese until the latter finally decided to make their relationship official.

Though the shop's standing still where it had always been, changes were made as the years flew past by.

For example, other than flowers, it was remodelled to provide space for an area to sell antique stuff.

Sana entered the flower and antique shop, the bell above the doorframe ringing as an indicator that there's a customer.

"Sana! What a nice surprise!" The woman from behind the counter spoke. Despite trying to raise her voice, it still came out gentle much like her vibes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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