Mr. Antipathic (Part 2)

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As soon as Sana went home, all she could think about was Mr. Kim's offer to her.

Right now, she's laying down on her bed while holding at the card given to her, staring at it ever so seriously.

"This could really help me with my rental problems... But would I really want to work for his son?"

Sana never knew exactly who the man, along with his son, who went by their coffee shop earlier, but he seemed really familiar for her.

As soon as she arrived at her apartment, she decided to search up the internet for the name on the card that he gave to her. She gasped when she realized who it was.

Kim Dahyun is a CEO at one of the most successful business corporations here in South Korea... and the polite man's obnoxious son.

If it wasn't for the news she's hearing from Kim Dahyun's ex-employees that he fired for ridiculous reasons, she would've immediately accepted Mr. Kim's offer because of how well the payment was.

"I only have 2 more days before the rental fee's due date. Should I just accept this job opportunity?" Sana mumbled to herself, placing her palm over her eyes to think.

After a moment of thinking, Sana finally picked up her phone and dialed the number written at the right corner of the card.

"Hello, Mr. Kim?"


The Next Day

Sana had excused herself to her boss at the coffee shop that she wouldn't be able to go to work today. She also requested to just work at night because of the job opportunity given to her by Mr. Kim. Fortunately, Mr. Park is an understanding man and respected her decision, allowing her to only work on night shifts.

From the phone call with Mr. Kim yesterday night, Sana was given the address of the company where she's gonna work in as Kim Dahyun's assistant. She've arrived within 30 minutes, taking a bus all the way from the bus stop near their apartment 'til the one near the building of Kim Corporations.

As soon as she stepped inside the building, she gulped out of anxiousness, looking left to right as she's surrounded by professional employees.

Sana nervously approached the reception desk, asking for where Mr. Kim is while showing the receptionist the card that the CEO's father gave to her.

The receptionist wrote down the details of where the CEO's office was located, from which floor to what room it was.

Sana followed what's written on the paper. Soon after, she had arrived in front of the door that leads to the CEO's office.

She took a deep breath before knocking on the door, waiting for someone to open it for her from the inside.

Within seconds, the door was opened by none other than Mr. Kim, Dahyun's father.

"I'm so glad you've decided quickly. Come on in." Mr. Kim warmly greeted Sana, making the latter curve her lips into a smile.

On the other hand, the CEO himself wasn't pleased by the sudden 'uninvited guest' in front of him.

"What are you doing here? Do you have any business with me?" Dahyun questioned in a cold, uninviting manner, much opposite of his father's gesture.

"Kim Dahyun. I've told you many times not to be rude towards an employee."

Dahyun felt his eyes almost popped out from his sockets as he heard his father's words.


"You heard it right, Dahyun. In fact, she's not just an employee. She's your new personal assistant... considering that you've fired the 3rd one just a day ago." Mr. Kim responded with the same stern tone as his son.

SaiDa Oneshots (Sana x Dahyun) [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now