Chapter 6

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In the lobby

"Hey Jon. I swear I saw Matthew Ricardo a while back walking towards the waiting room." Sam said to Jonathan.

"Matthew who?" Jonathan asked.

"Matthew Rikardo. The notorious drug Lord Ambrose Rikardo's son. Ring a bell?" Sam asked.
Jonathan put down the magazine he was reading and tilted his towards Sam to listen what he is saying.

Sam continued.
" I heard the old man got admitted here two days ago.He is pretty sick."

"Ow!! Now I remember.Ambrose Rikardo who runs the drug cartel in New York" Jonathan replied remembering.

"Not only just New York. Everywhere. Washington, Texas, California, Philadelphia. You name it.The police are not being able to get their hands on them or the cartel business. Not enough evidence . They gets away every time. The Rikardo family is now one of the most strongest mafia family in the city. They have their men everywhere."

"Okay. So why are we talking about them? We have come here to meet Dr. Summers.Remember?"

"What am I supposed to do? We have been waiting here for an eternity. And you were not talking. So I brought out the topic. I didn't know you could get so boring after meeting a chick once." Sam replied with a pout in his face.

"Okay first of all we have been waiting here for only 10 minutes."
"Pffffttt . Feels like ages to me" Sam said rolling his eyes.

"And second of all" Jonathan continued "I am not boring. While you were busy looking at Matthew Rikardo and eyeing the nurses I was thinking what am I gonna say to her when she meets me."

"Wait. You are thinking about how to start a conversation with a girl?"

Jonathan nodded.
"I repeat. With a girl?" Sam quoted in the air with his two fingers.

"Dude. What has happened to you? Did you hit your head pretty badly?"

Jonathan saw Dr. Eve coming out of the waiting room walking towards them.

"Hush. Here she comes. And do me a favor Sammy. Keep your comments to yourself. And don't start flirting with her. She is mine."

"Okay." Sam agreed rolling his eyes. "Someone is in a possessive mood today."

"Hello Mr.Jameson. Annabeth told me you wanted to see me. Is everything alright? You seemed perfect to me when I discharged you this morning." Eve asked with concerned.

"Yes. You see my friend has hurt his head pretty badly. He is saying things he is not supposed to say" Sam answered the question on Jonathan's behalf with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Jonathan shot a 'keep your mouth shut' look towards Sam.

Jonathan replied "No I am absolutely fine Dr.Summers. Actually I am not here because of that"

"Then why are you here Mr.Jameson." Eve asked.

"I..uh.. want.uh uh to ..uh uh.. ask.uh.. out?" Jonathan stuttered.

"I am sorry. I couldn't catch you. Can you repeat that?" Eve requested to repeat his question.

"Get a hold of yourself man" Sam whispered in his ears.

"Um. I want to ask you out. Like a date. If you're free tonight?" Jonathan completed his sentence this time without stuttering.

That caught Eve off guard.
"I am sorry.Did you just ask me out?" Eve asked with a shock expression.

"Um yes?" It came out more as a question from his mouth.

"Ow.I am sorry. I can't see anyone right now" Eve apologised.

"What? Why? Are you seeing anyone?" Jonathan asked with a jealousy tone in his voice.

"What!! No. I am not seeing anyone. It's just that I am a doctor. And I totally want to give 100% focus to my career. I don't have time for dating right now. I hope you will understand.I am not ready." Eve explained to Jonathan slowly rejecting his offer.

"Okay." Jonathan replied with a hurt in his voice.

Dr Eve Summers is requested in the OR.

"I am sorry. I need to go." Eve left them in the lobby and hurried off to the OR.

Sam watched them with his mouth hanging wide open.
After closing his mouth.

Sam whistled. "That was a quick conversation that didn't end well."

"Yeah" Jonathan replied in a monotone voice.

"Wow. Epic fail.A girl rejected you right on your face." Sam joked. "So what now?"

"Let's go and get a drink. I need to clear my mind." Jonathan suggested.

"Why? To drown your sorrows?" Sam asked in a playful tone.

"Just let's go " Jonathan replied in a harsh tone.

"Okay. Let's go then. You're buying me a drink."

Walking towards the exit Jonathan stopped Sam.

"Wait. Don't you have a date to go to? With the receptionist?" Jonathan reminded Sam.

"Oh geez!! I totally forgot." Sam said rubbing his face. " I think I am gonna take a rain check on that."

"You're gonna break her heart" Jonathan joked.

"Not my first time." Sam replied with a smirk in his face.

The Billionaire's Love [The Billionaire series (Book 1)]Where stories live. Discover now